Chapter 12

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Note: How are you? Anyway, happy reading! :]


Yeosang woke up with a pounding head and a nauseating feeling. He curled himself into a ball while clutching his stomach. Whatever happened to him last night made him feel like shit today; he really shouldn't have gone out drinking alone because his mind played a dirty trick on him. He vaguely remembers being taken away from the club and then suddenly hiding in a convenience store, only to be distracted by a chocolate bar and a teddy bear that sounds like Jongho. He also vaguely recalled the teddy bear singing a song and that his voice resonated like Jongho. He wanted to forget Jongho that night, not to remember him even more.

Yeosang sighed and carefully sat up as he gripped his head. "Fucking hangover..." he mumbled and slowly turned his head to the side, where he saw a plastic bag and a note on his bedside table.

"Hmm?" He hummed in confusion and craned to get the note and read it.

'Please take your medicine for your headache. I bought food that might help your hangover. Make sure to eat it, okay? I also bought some chocolates and gummies to cheer you up. Next time, please don't drink alone, especially with low alcohol tolerance.

P.S. Welcome back, Yeosang-hyung. It's nice to see you again.


Clamping a hand on his mouth, "Oh my god..." he whispered in disbelief. "J-Jongho..."

Were his eyes playing tricks on him? Was he reading a note that Jongho wrote? Does that mean it was Jongho, who he thought was a teddy bear when he was drunk? Does that mean he took him home and took care of him?

Yeosang doesn't know what to feel about it. Should he be glad that he got to meet Jongho again or embarrassed that he was drunk and Jongho had witnessed it?

He turned towards the plastic bag, took it, and placed it on his lap. True to Jongho's words, he saw painkiller medicines, two bottles of water, three pieces of bananas, a pack of nuts, a cup of chicken noodle soup, and a variety of chocolate bars and gummies. Yeosang smiled at his ex-lover's thoughtfulness that he didn't realize tears were brimming in his eyes.

It was as if it was only yesterday when he and Jongho first became roommates. One time, Yeosang got home drunk, and Jongho had to take care of him because he was just chilling at their dorm. When Yeosang woke up the next day with a terrible headache and hangover, Jongho nursed him while scolding him. Since then, Jongho has always been the one to take care of Yeosang, even when the older one also wanted to take care of him.

He drank the painkiller and finished the whole water bottle before placing the plastic bag on the bedside table again and lying down. Yeosang stared at the ceiling and let his tears unknowingly cascade down, wetting his pillow.

If only he had known that he would be encountering Jongho that night, he would've dashed to give him a tight hug. But would he be able to do that when his damn mind reminds him of the situation three years ago? Yeosang hated it whenever he thought of meeting Jongho with a big smile and a warm and tight hug; his mind would suddenly replay their break-up scene. As if reminding him that he was the reason why they broke up, why he broke the younger's trust.

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