Meeting Auntie

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I'm fricken addicted to how cute this AU is


"Sister, I hate English class," Xiao Li grumbled one day while trying to make sense out of an "I Can Read" book.

"Look, Xiao Li, we don't had no choice. If we live in Britain, we need to know English."

"But it's so hard!"

"Enough!" Liu Liu plonked down the journal they were trying to write and plopped themself beside Xiao Li on the couch. "I have difficulties try to read, try to write. You do too. We lucky that is June so no school yet!"

"Me know!" Xiao Li screamed back. Liu Liu sighed.

"Look, I am away three months until I am eighteen. You are away three months from thirteen. If we learn English fluent before our Birthday, I make Dad buy Minecraft for you, okay?"

"What?" Suddenly, Xiao Li was all ears.

"Yes, what. More, he buy both versions!"

"You promise?"

Liu Liu smirked. "Promise. 我保证. (I promise.)"

"Then read next Magic Treehouse chapter to me already! I need know what Annie and Jack happen!"

"Ahaha! You have motivating! Keep up it!" While Xiao Li and Liu Liu were engrossed in their own little circle, Xisuma was listening in on the conversation from the other side of the wall, each sentence making the nerves on his forehead spasm up and down, as if someone was playing Flappy Bird with his blood circulation.

"Well, at least they can speak now," EX wheezed, catching the conflicting expressions on Xisuma's face; the Brit was switching between annoyance to happiness to pure gloom to all three, his face contorting and twitching comically with each switch. EX, who was now cackling like a maniac, fell to the floor in hysterics.

"O- Oh my god, Xisuma, y- haha- your F- wheeze- FUCKIN' FACE!"


Fed up and exhausted from the lack of oxygen, Xisuma clicked his helmet back in place, concealing his spasming face. EX looked up, unamused.

"Hey! Whaddya do that for? It was just getting good!"

"And I need to keep my dignity as a father," Xisuma hissed, bonking poor EX in the noggin;ultimately, he only succeeded in making tweety birds and stars appear over her head. EX fell flat onto the floor, still laughing. She snickered once more, sat up, and whipped her head around aggressively, letting her ridiculously long hair smack Xisuma square in the face, unlocking his helmet and sending it tumbling through the air. He yelped in surprise and attempted a flying save, catching his helmet before it had the chance to crash into the carpeted ground.

"Heavens, Xay! Don't do that!"

EX laughed. (Xisuma swore that his twin had a few screws loose.) "Pft, whatever." She stuck her tongue out, and hauled herself back into standing position. "Also," she said, clipping her own helmet onto her utility belt, "do Xiao Li and Liu Liu want to visit me and Hel sometime? You know we also have three kids-"

"Badtimes, NPG, and True," Xisuma grumbled.

"-we thought it'd be a good idea for them to interact with each other. Besides," she added, catching the stubborn look on Xisuma's face, "I'll ask Hel to help them with English lessons." Xisuma looked at EX warily, then dipped his chin in defeat.

"Fine, we'll schedule a date at our house."

"Great! Well, I'd better be on my wa-"


"好久不见蔡阿姨! (Long time no see Aunt Xay!)"

EX was jumped from behind by a green-and-red tornado. She gave a yelp of surprise, before collapsing onto the floor for the second time that day.

"嘿! 注意阿姨的腰! (Hey! Watch out for Auntie's back!)"

"抱歉! (Sorry!)" Xiao Li and Liu Liu stood up, dusted themselves off, and gave EX (and Xisuma who was watching, disapproval written across his face) their most innocent smiles.

"Well, guess that's all right," EX smiled, patting the sisters on the head. The two grinned a mile wide back.

"Enough," Xisuma interjected. "Xiao Li, Liu Liu, don't do that again."

"不会再发生了! (It won't happen again!)" They sang in unison.

"蔡阿姨! (Auntie Xay!)" Xiao Li cried, jumping up and down. "Look at my hair!"

"Why, it's all red, like my jumpsuit!"

"And mine is green, like father's!" Liu Liu twirled around, not wanting to miss this chance to show off.

"Y'all like Team Traffic," EX remarked. (Xisuma facepalmed- What a disaster-)

"You and your aunt are like Sleepy Bois Inc," Xisuma sighed. EX, Xiao Li, and Liu Liu laughed.

"Well then, I'd better get going," EX finally said.

"Awwww," the sisters whined.

"You'll see her tomorrow, right?" Xisuma casted his twin a look. She snickered.

"Hell yeah!" EX squatted down so that she was level-to-level with the sisters. "You'll love my kids- BadTimes, NPG, and True. Y'all'll get along like peas in a pod."


Xisuma flicked EX in the forehead. "Time for auntie to go," he grumbled, pushing her towards the front door.

"Haha! See ya kids tomorrow!"

"再见蔡阿姨! 再见! (Goodbye Auntie Xay! Goodbye!)" 


Word Count: 818

A.N: I can't believe I actually made a whole series based on Xisuma adopting two lost children but I'm here for it now

Stay safe (and hydrated!!!),


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