What Are Heroes Made Of?

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When you try and write a angst prompt but end up writing crackfic instead:


"What are heroes made of?"

The one singular question that Wels kept on asking himself. Living as a demigod in Greece wasn't fun. People came up to you, asking for magical solutions and favors from the gods. Trying to walk onto the streets without someone noticing you was out the window. Worst of all, there was pressure on your shoulders to do something brave, to, to, save humanity or defeat a terrible monster! When you're a demigod, everyone expected you to do something heroic, maybe, save a princess from a agonizing death or go on a long, grueling quest for self-gain.

Jason and the Golden Fleece.

Agamemnon's power and Achilles' stamina.

Perseus' selfless act of killing Medusa.

Bellerophon taming the wild Pegasus.

And, of course, the gem of the gods, Hercules and his twelve labors.


Despite Wels' vain attempts, he could not suppress a shudder of disgust whenever the name was uttered. Oh, sure, Hercules was quite famously looked up at, killing the Hydra and dragging Cerberus from the depths of the underworld, all while  braving the many dangers Hera threw at his face. Little did the filthy little mortals knew, Wels was the one who accompanied Hercules on those journeys. He was the one who suggested Hercules strangle the Nemean Lion. He was the one who realized how to defeat the Hydra. He was the one who thought of a strategy to clean the detestable stables of King Augeas. 

But did Wels get any credit?


Not one little bit.

Not even the tiniest sliver of glory.

All he got was the gift of superior medical knowledge from the god Apollo, his father. But even as Wels grumbled and tinkered around in his laboratory with Zeus-who-knows-what, he thought of what he could've accomplished himself. Suddenly, his train of thoughts was disrupted by a bang from the back room.

The door burst open and a humanoid creature with a blue aura surrounding it lumbered out. Wels yelped in surprise and scrambled to get away from the monster.

"You forgot to turn off the ventilator I almost got sucked into the ceiling," it complained.


The creature's face scrunched up into a look of disappointment.

"I was hoping for a more courteous greeting, Wels Knight. After all, you're both the son of Apollo and my creator."

"I CREATED YOU?!" Wels squawked. The creature's face morphed into a look of confusion.

"Yes? What kind of Linear B do you not speak?"


Then it struck Wels how handsome the creature was. It was only wearing a toga, no tunic, which was quite unfortunate for Wels, because that meant that only half the creature's chest was covered, leaving its well-defined chest mostly bare.

"Oh, you think I'm hot?"

Wels blushed beetroot red.


"Oh, yeah, forgot to mention. Your father gave me the ability to read minds."

Wels shook a middle finger at the sky, then turned to confront the thing.

"Okay, Mr. Cocky Guy, what are you doing in my house?"

"Didn't you already ask me that? Distracted by my chest?"

Wels turned three shades too red.

"A-Are you a monster that Zeus sent for me to slay?"

The creature backed away, uttering high-pitched noises of offensive.

"Why the hell would you want to kill me?"

"Oh, I don't know. Too hot for your own good?"

The creature advanced onto Wels and forced the latter's chin upwards.

"You wanna bet on that?"

Up against a wall they went.

It took ten seconds for Wels to fully register what kind of position he and Jevin was in, but by then it was too late.

The world went black

~Flashback Ends~

It's only been about five years since that unfortunate accident, but Wels was better off than before. He and Jevin had managed to get through till the end, despite Apollo (cough cough overprotective dad cough cough) had doubts about Jev.

Today would mark the sixth anniversary of their relationship. 

Surprises were in store.

Lives would change.

But, the story is getting long. Authors must tire.

You choose your path.

Pick wisely, my friend.


Word Count: 641

And another adventure comes to an end!


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