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Hi ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ
    Narrator's Pov:
"The other sanses, they know the truth." Dream said seriously and didn't even bother to look at classic.

"What!?" Yelled classic in disbelief. Dream did not make any moments, he just kept looking at the other side.

Classic didn't say anything else realizing that dream would not answer him. So he turned to swap. Swap gave him a sad expression and shook his head, also indicating that he would not answer.

With NM,error & ink

"Sooo... how's your day going NM." Error asked showing no interest on what ink had done. "Eh, not much interesting things have happened so far." Answered NM also ignoring ink.

This infuriated ink and so he attacked them. Error and NM dogged quickly. Error opened a portal underneath the other bad sanses just before the attack could reach them. The others fell out of another portal right where classic and the other two where.

Error shot some strings at ink and captured him. He then threw sharp bones at ink. Some bones got ink injured but he was able to escape.

NM teleported behind ink and hit him with a tentacle. He sent ink flying and the other bad sanses threw a few attacks too.

Of course only a few attacks reached him until he teleported and threw paint at Nm, and error.

A bit of the paint hit both of them but they only flinched a bit and continued to attack ink.

"Dream, swap help me!!" Ink yelled with anger and hate in him. The other two just stood there and kept watching the battle.
















A portal opened.

The fighting stopped.

Ink turned to see who it was,

And who came out of the portal.

Well it was...

















A cliffhanger! ( っ'-')╮ =͟͟͞͞🏀

You all to me: (っ'-')╮=͟͟͞͞)ꐦ°᷄д°᷅)

Hope you liked the chapter. Bye ᐠ( ᐛ )ᐟ

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