S2- Chapter: Nine

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Like I said here is Ch.9
Narrator's Pov

Dream turned around and in a really stressful tone he said,"Brother, classic I have something really important to tell you."

NM and CL looked at each other with a concerned and confused look. Then NM looked back at dream and asked,"Is this important thing about ink?"

Dream nodded and said,"Yes." Classic then asked,"Is ink planning something again to get me back?"

Dream responded,"Yes, but this time he's going to come here to the castle with other sanses."

Just by hearing that NM and classic yelled,"What!?" NM then said with an evil smirk,"Well since that stupid creator is going to get others in this. I might as well get the rest of the Bad Sanses."

NM,CL,& dream went to the throne room. And then once they were there NM called the others.

The others got to the throne room and error said,"Why did you call us here NM and it better be important cuz I have job to be doing."

NM just said,"Oh, don't worry this is important and something you should know about."

Error let out a sigh and said very inpatient,"Just get to the point already."

NM rolled his eye lights as in saying 'yea whatever'. Classic then said,"Can yout to stop arguing we have something more important to worry about. Dream can you tell the others what ink is planning.

And just by what CL said error got their attention and asked with anger in his voice,"What. did you just say about ink."

Dream in a stressed tone said,"Ink is planning to attack you guys with other sanses to get classic."

The other were shocked and yelled,"Wait what!?"

Error by just what he heard he got closer to NM,Cl, & dream. Then with an enraged tone he yelled,"What is that danm squid thinking if he does that he's going to get so many sanses killed! And that is not going to be good for the balance of the multiverse!"

Classic asked confused,"What do you mean by that." And dream nodded in agreement.

Error let out a sigh to cool down a bit. He then said,"Look I know what your thinking NM but if we get the other bad sanses it's not going end well. You out all of the others know how dangerous some of them are."

NM also let out a sigh and said,"Look error I know it's dangerous but so what if some sanses get killed. Besides i'm sure ink is going to bring copies not the original ones. You out of everyone knows how precious the original Aus are to him."

Error just said,"Yea your right and besides that means if some sanses do get kill. I won't have to destroy aus for some time and will finally get a break."

And with that error opened portals to different Aus. Horror,dust,killer,cross, and error went to one of the portals. After they left to get the other bad sanses dream and classic went to the garden to get some fresh air to calm down.


"Well that's all for this chapter. Also from now on I will mostly be using the narrator's pov. So that I won't have to be changing the pov's that much. Another thing I'm going to make another book for the side stories and other stories with different ships. So if you have any ideas please put them in the comments. See y'all in Ch.10."

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