S2- Chapter: Ten

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Hey hey hey! Here's Ch.10! Sorry it took so long so here is a drawing of classic and NM.
Narrator's Pov
With Ink and Blue

While the bad sanses where getting the rest of the gang. A very worried blue was making his way the star sanses meeting room. Once he got there he saw his friend ink.

Blue asked worried,"Hey ink do you know where dream is?" He walked closer to his friend.

Ink then responded,"Uhhh yeah I think he said he was going to go talk with his brother or something?" Not even bothering to look at his friend.

Blue then asked,"Why did dream go see NM?" Ink then immediately look up to his friend upon hearing NM'S name.

Ink then said,"Um, blue I said dream went to see his brother not enemy. And besides why would dream go see NM of all skeletons."

Blue gave his friend a concerned look and said,"Ink I think you've been staying up to long or did you forget."

Ink asked,"What do you mean by that?"

Blue sighed and said,"Ink dreams brother is NM and I think you should get some rest."

Ink just stayed there speechless think how could he forget something so important.

Then blue said,"Um, ink don't you think maybe we shouldn't go on with the plan. Just think about it classic wasn't hurt at all and he looked...... happy."

With that ink got up quickly from his chair and asked well yelled,"What!? Why would you say that blue, are you saying I shouldn't get the 'person' I love back!"

Blue then yelled back,"Yes I am and besides by the looks of it classic loves NM and not you. Why would classic love someone that only wants him to use him as a weapon to defend the so called 'Bad Sanses'!!"

And with that blue left ink in the room shocked at what he said.

Blue then teleported to where dream was at,to see D and Cl talking.

Blue then said,"Hey dream and classic, how are you guys." He then just put on a small smile on his face.

Well that's all for this chapter. The next chapter will probably be posted soon but I can't promise anything.sorry that it's short I will try to make the next one longer.  Also I hope you readers like the drawing. Welp bye!

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