Random scenarios

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A/n: Several ideas I had when doing whatever, thought that I would share them with you guys

~~With and without love interests~~

♡ ~ —•✧•— ~ ♡

•Watching a horror movie with the English siblings•

If you somehow convinced the English siblings to watch a horror movie with you, then congrats, you'll have a horrified New Zealand clinging onto you and an annoying Australia who keeps asking questions and talking about things and stuff in the film. And then there's America, who's too terrified by everything in the movie that he kept making up excuses to go elsewhere. At least Canada is calm about it.

Australia: Why are they splitting up? That's kinda dumb- Wait why are they even scared of that spider? It's not even poisonous!!

America: Oh hey~ I just got back from the kitchen with the water bottles, anyone wants so-

The movie: *jumpscares*

New Zealand: AH! *hides her face behind a pillow while still clinging to you*

America: AHH- I mean, anyone wants some Mcdonald's? I'll just go buy some right now-

Canada: *laughing* 

•Wreaking havoc with Romania•

Before you came along, Bulgaria was the vampire's partner in crime, she was later dumped back at her country, so he was forced to stay low for a while, so be prepared for when he finally has you as his new partner. Every single idea he has will be immediately done every moment you and he are together. Tampering with the kitchen's ingredients, messing with the lights, calling a country to tell them that they're required in that night's meeting even if they're not,... Heck, you two even rickrolled UN once-

You: So, how does this whole thing works anyway?

Romania: Before every meeting, UN is definitely going to recheck his laptop, and I've already had the video ready! As soon as he opens his dear laptop, 'Never Gonna Give You Up' will play!

You: Why not just put another video in his presentation so while everyone is concentrating, they all get rickrolled??

Romania: ...Great idea, let's do that too!

You: Alright, let's get to work!

Romania: Before I forget, film their reactions for me!

•Doing work with the organizations•

There's only one word to describe how doing work, especially paperwork with the organizations would be like, boring. Well, how else? They're not similar to the countries, they can't be found slacking off, in other words, they are role models. Yet again, you could also sometimes find ASEAN sighing because of how many times he had to ensure his countries' relations with other Asian countries after a dumb thing they did, and how he would mumble about why can't Philippines, Indonesia and Malaysia be more mature and low-key like Singapore and Brunei. And then there's EU who would always complain about how his countries never make enough money or how winter was coming and the energy crisis was about to come. UN, of course, just sat there listening to everything while doing his work.

ASEAN: ...More papers about China and Vietnam's relations? Expected...

EU: Poland, no. Italy, no. Romania, no... No one makes enough money in here, ugh...

ASEAN: It's always those three, they will behave they say, won't cause trouble they say, and yet it's always them every time...

EU: It's almost winter already? Tsk, less money I suppose...

ASEAN: Why can't everyone be like Brunei and Singapore...? What did I do to deserve this...

UN: *laughing quietly*

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