20. Sick

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A/n: Kind of a filler episode-

Anyway, allow me to get ur opinions on this one, which quest do you want to do next?

A Germany-related one


A France-related one?

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Since you were transported into the game, you have never experienced any health problems except light headaches before and after quests. Imagine your surprise when you woke up with a severe stomachache and a fever. "...Wow, and here I thought I couldn't get sick." You muttered bitterly while getting yourself ready for work.

After making a quick breakfast, you headed off for the countryhumans' headquarters, deciding that if your symptoms worsened, you'd go home later.

"Ah, you're early. What's the occasion?" You met Germany at the building's entrance, looking as tired as ever. "...You look sick, are you alright?" The German asked, genuinely concerned.

You shook your head and faked a smile. "I'm fine, Germs. At least for now."

Germany looked doubtful, but he remained silent, only sending you a nod before hurriedly getting to his office, which was pretty typical of him.


Your fever was getting worse and worse as each hour passes by, and you didn't like that. Some of the countries might've noticed your condition since you did see them looking at you worriedly. None of their worries could've beaten Laos', though.

"Uh, Y/n... You look really ill. You are sick, aren't you?" He smiled nervously when he saw you weren't answering. "I can...uh... have Cuba check your health conditions? If you'd like, of course! But he's like, better than most doctors at nearby hospitals so...What'd ya say?" He sounded pretty timid and concerned, different from most occasions where you'd be seeing him being chaotic with his ASEAN mates.

"Лаос, Singapore is looking for you, he wishes to discuss your gold trade." Russia interrupted your train of thought as he went to talk with the redhead. Laos nodded and smiled, but kept looking at you as if you were going to die, and Russia seemed to notice it. "...I can take them to Cuba and do the talking for them, don't worry."

The redheaded male appeared surprised but happily thanked his friend before leaving the both of you. After a moment of silence, Russia finally spoke up.

"...So? It all depends on you. Though I could give you a day off, since that seemed more rational." He offered while quirking an eyebrow at you, waiting for a response.

You didn't even bother thinking about the offer and accepted it right away, why would anyone decline a day off? "...That would be nice, thank you, er..."

"Just Russia is fine." He reassured.

"Right, thank you, Russia." You properly thanked the country and tried your best to form a smile, though your body temperature was starting to rise due to your fever and you felt a headache coming as well, and it wasn't pleasant at all.

The male in front of you observed you for a bit before eventually speaking up. "You know, I think maybe you should skip any upcoming meetings today while I do the proper paperwork for your day off."

'Proper paperwork? The others give me day-offs all the time and I don't recall any paperwork... Plus, I have to attend an EU meeting today, and EU probably wouldn't let this slide... Eh, he can suck it up.' You thought while nodding at Russia's suggestion, who left right after you responded. You only shrugged at it and went back to your office to rest, hoping your now painful headache would disappear.

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