2. The well-deserved treatment

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After a long, satisfying sleep, you woke up and started to do the usual, you know, brushing your teeth, combing your hair, and preparing breakfast. "Wait... I'm stuck in a game, am I not? Does this place even have clothes and food?" You thought out loud, taking a first good look at the room that is supposedly yours. The room had a bed, a huge wooden closet, an average bookshelf along with an office desk. It was your first decision to walk towards the closet, checking whether it had any wearable clothes. Unexpectedly, there was quite a fortune of the latest fashion clothes, along with other comfortable clothes as well. You immediately grabbed a comfortable hoodie and some shorts and put them on.

Finally wearing something presentable, you opened the door and walked downstairs to your new home, letting your eyes drift around its new surroundings. After a good minute, you've concluded, "Okay, this place is pretty huge, wait, that means... oh no... I don't want to cleannnn" you whined. While sulking to yourself, you spotted a perfectly cooked steak on the living room's table. Curious, you stopped all your non-existent tears and approach the said steak.

"There's a note here..." You murmured. Picking up the note, you quickly scanned it "Eat this for today's breakfast, your lunch and dinner are in the fridge but from tomorrow onwards, prepare your meals yourself... Fine! When did I ask you-whoever you are, to cook my meals for today!?" You grumpily claimed while having your first bite "Hey, this tastes nice" you blurted out, happily eating the cooked steak.

After chugging down the lovely steak, you grabbed the dirty plate and skipped to where you believed was the kitchen and threw it into the sink. Out of nowhere, it became clean again, "...YOOOO I DON'T HAVE TO WASH THE DISHES!!!" You exclaimed out loud. This was probably the best day ever, waking up owning a lovely house, having ridiculously delicious steak for breakfast, and now you just figured that the dishes you had used cleaned themselves? That's amazing!!

Sadly, you couldn't stay joyous for very long since only a minute after your gLoRiOuS discovery, your phone buzzed again, it was the mysterious guy from earlier. "Oh right, I forgot about that annoying person, what was his purpose again...?" You muttered while your hands unlocked the phone as you read their message. Sure, that question bugged your mind, but no time for stupid problems, you thought. "How was the meal? Tasty ain't it? Well here's my tip: Now that you're familiar with the place, better check your phone~" You read the question out loud as you grew more and more troubled by the message. "Huh. The meal was indeed good, but what's with the sudden change of tone, plus, what does he mean 'bout the phone part..." murmuring to yourself while checking through every app that was installed onto the phone, your eyes landed on an app icon, which is the same as the game icon, eyes widened, you decided to check it out.

Turns out the weird app was indeed... weird. All it has is a black screen and some texts that go: To unlock the Love Interest's Profiles, you'll need to meet them first. "Mehh, guess this is a dating sim then" you decided not to worry about the app, for now, instead, you went to the kitchen to check out the fridge and its contents. Oh how the beautiful fridge had disappointed you, such a massive and shiny fridge, yet it had nothing except for the pre-cooked meals from the stranger. Faking your sobs, you took out a small metal container that had a note writing lunch on it and opened its lid, revealing some tacos, you then proceed to microwave it before your phone buzzed, again.

This time it isn't from that person anymore "Thank God" you thought, it's from another user with the name of...UN? Odd name, you thought, suddenly, a certain situation crossed your mind "Oh no... had the protagonist done something terrible at the start of the game... Ugh, why didn't I read the lore before I bought this game..." Gulping worriedly, you opened the text you received.


<Good evening Mx. L/n, I am writing this to inform you that you have successfully passed the interview a few days earlier, and I would certainly be delighted to see you at your new workplace by tomorrow. For further details, please check your mail.

Thank you for informing me, Sir/Madam>

<It is my pleasure.


Even when you didn't know what was going on, you thanked them anyways, it's simply being polite, what you did know, is that you definitely need to check your mail right away to get a better understanding of what's happening.

The email-reading session lasted a good long 10 minutes, and it was boring for sure, yet now you had finally managed to know what was happening. Apparently, the gameplay is going to start tomorrow, and you're currently in its prequel. But one thing was concerning you, from what you've read in the mail, you'll be the one to take notes for every meeting that you are present, or note-writer, as the email itself had stated, and that job, seems pretty hard, not counting the fact that you'll be serving the country leaders. Eh, you'll worry about that later, since from what you've read, this month's salary had been transferred to your bank account not so long ago, and you've already found your credit card, too. Quickly grabbing the plate of tacos from earlier, you shoved it all into your mouth, and check how much money there are in your account. With just one single glimpse, you instantly let out a gasp of happiness, you were overwhelmingly rich, with or without your first month's salary, you're going to have abundant life for sure. Another thing, you're definitely going to go on a HUGE shopping spree now that nothing's there to stop you, and you can't wait.

Oh, this is the treatment you've always wanted, the one that you truly deserve, there's no doubt about it now, THIS, is heaven.

♡ ~ —•✧•— ~ ♡

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