21. Germany's past-UNFINISHED

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A/n: The quest chosen was the Germany-related one, I'll probably do France's in the next chapter tho, so for the ones that wanted to see kid France and Francia, don't be sad:)


Speeches in italic during quest=German


Pibling=Neutral term for aunt/uncle; basically means parent's sibling(in this case, in-law)

♡ ~ -•✧•- ~ ♡

After the much-needed nap, you woke up to see it was almost 5 PM, the time when most countries had headed home already. With a bit of a self-health checkup, you stood up to clear your desk and fixed your clothes before finally going out of the room after hours. You immediately bumped into Amelia, she was pretty surprised and seemingly happy to see you.

"Y/n! Glad to see you're here! Say, have you seen either Izabel or Haoyu? I've asked the countries about their sudden absence from work, but I've been told there's no Izabel or Haoyu that ever worked in the building... Now that I think about it, Zente also disappeared..." She spoke worriedly and stormed off, not giving you any chance to respond. Suspiciously, you pulled out your phone and looked for Zente's number, after all, you both exchanged numbers the day he suggested you do the last quest. The only contacts you had were UN's, Brunei's, and Germany's meanwhile Zente's was nowhere to be found.

"I swear I saved his number... There has to be a Zente Elrod somewhere in here." You murmured while strolling down the halls, not exactly knowing where you were going.

"You as well? First I had to deal with Ms. Lewis talking about a nonexistent 'Haoyu' and 'Izabel', which was backed up by China and Poland, claiming they do remember having an assistant somehow." EU let out a small 'tsk' before continuing. "Now here you are talking about some Zente Elrod... Has the Mandela effect taken over this building?" He said shooking his head.

"They do exist though..." You said, focusing back on your phone to try and find Zente yet again, but got your forehead flicked by the organization for absolutely no reason.

"You've just recovered, why are you putting your brain in so much work? Take care of your health, Schwachkopf. Seriously, you people these days..." He complained while glaring at you, quietly telling you to put your phone away, and you did. "I wouldn't want you to spread your sickness to my members, it'd damage the economy." He scowled. "Take proper care of yourself next time, that's an order." EU rolled his eyes and walked away as if what he just did wasn't weird.

You rubbed your forehead lightly while glaring at the organization's back. "I don't know if I should be happy that he's friendlier to me or if I should be creeped out by the fact that it's way too out of the blue..." You murmured and continued your stroll down the hallway, thoughts about Zente's, Izabel's, and Haoyu's sudden disappearances still occupying your mind. Suddenly, your phone buzzed.


<I know of your secrets.




'What's with all the weird things these days?' You thought quietly, paying no mind to the unknown messenger, knowing if you did you wouldn't be able to do anything either.

"Ey Y/n, whatcha still doin' in the building?" A male voice asked from behind you, not long after, an arm was placed around your shoulder. "Mind if you have dinner with a certain country tonight? I promise that it'll be very, very enjoyable, cutie~" You didn't even need to look to know that it was America speaking, absentmindedly, you answered him.

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