4. EU doesn't approve you?!

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Art credits: taminton on Instagram

♡ ~ —•✧•— ~ ♡

Listening to the 4 siblings bittering was quite an experience for sure, but after standing there looking like an idiot for a good minute, your common sense was knocked back to you somehow, and so you excused yourself, not like they'll hear you anyway, and left the scene to try and look for your office.

While walking back and forth trying to read the map Amelia had given you earlier, you bumped into someone, a tall someone to be exact. You both fell to the floor, the other person was carrying a stack of documents before bumping into you. Not wanting to have a bad impression on your first day, you stood up immediately after the fall, the other person-whom you believe was a guy, was already up, brushing dust off his suit. You lightly bowed at the guy, muttering an apology to the guy. 

"Tch... I'm late for the meeting... You," he glared at you "you're picking up my documents and bringing them to my office, got it? It's in the European department, third floor, first room on your right when you walk into the hallway." And with that, he walked away, you just stood there, trying to process his words. When you finally got it, you mumbled bitterly 

"I know this is the least I could do, but couldn't he be anymore nicer..."

It took you rather some time to grab all of the documents and stack them, right now, you were carrying the papers to the room he had instructed, while trying to recall who the guy was. He had blue skin and hair, so he should be a country. He's also from the European department, at least that's the most reasonable answer to why he wanted you to bring his documents there. But you can't seem to remember his flag, it was pretty vague, you do recall it having a golden color though. He also had a halo? You think? Eh... it's not worth it, you were gonna meet him sooner or later anyway, after all, your job requires you to work alongside the countries. 

Finally entering the said department, you were greeted with an empty hallway, confused, you grabbed your phone and check, it's still 5 minutes till workhours. Sighing, you continued to walk towards the elevator, pressing the up button. When the elevator opened its doors, you stepped in and pressed the third-floor button, there was also some text below the button, it read 'European Union.' "So the country is an EU member? Interesting, I guess..." You mumbled, not aware that someone was listening to your mumblings. Then, someone tapped your shoulder, and while turning around, you saw they were a country, Poland, to be exact. 

"Hi, I'm Poland, nice to meet you! I saw you going up to an EU floor? Are you new here? Whose secretary are you?" You just send Poland a smile, he seemed nice, and then you answered him.

"Aha... I actually work as a note-writer, and nice to meet you too, Sir Poland." Poland just smiled at you, suddenly, you noticed a lady standing next to the said country, she seemed mad at you. For whatever reasons, you couldn't care less, she can hate you all she wishes, you're only here to work, no more, no less.

Right after the elevator door opened again, you stepped out as fast as you could, muttering a quick goodbye to Poland, and walked towards the first room on the right. It was a wooden door painted in white and lines of gold, 'The door looks pretty.' You thought, before twisting the doorknob and letting yourself in, it was a spacious and well-decorated room, but you had no time to look around, you quickly placed the papers onto the desk and made your way out of the department.

While walking to your office, you received a text from the UN, again, they told you that there isn't much work for you at the moment, so you could do whatever you want, for now. But you're required to be in meeting room No. 3 after lunch. "Okay then, what do I wanna do for now..." Thinking out loud, you accidentally walked to the front of the building-the receptionist's table. "Eh, now that I'm here, why not help Amelia." Murmuring, you walked toward the table, asking whether Amelia needed help with something. She was startled a bit when you spoke, but soon regained her composure and answered you "Now that you said it, yeah, I do need help with something! Could you please bring these files to the ASEAN countries for me? They should be on the second floor of the Asian department!" While talking, she gestured towards a small pile of files, you nodded and grabbed the files before heading straight to the Asian department.

Opening the huge door that leads to the main room of the Asian department, you were startled by a flip-flop flying straight towards you, almost hitting your face. 

"Oh my god I'm sorry!!!" A medium-height figure ran straight to you, apologizing to you every single second. The guy seemed to be Vietnam, at least you think that it was the Vietnamese flag on his face. "I was trying to hit that red-head over there, not you!" He said pointing to a guy with long hair tied into a high ponytail, it seems that he's China, from his flag. 

"Vietnam! Don't worry! I'll beat that Chinese guy up for you! Rice gang bros stand together!!!" Indonesia exclaimed rather loudly and jumped onto China, Malaysia was just laughing at the situation while Brunei tried his best to calm them down, other ASEAN countries are nowhere to be seen. You were also chuckling quietly yourself, you liked the energy that radiates inside the Asian department, it was chaotic and welcoming, but if it's too much, yeah you're out. Soon, someone noticed the files in your hands 

"Hey, is this for us?" A guy asked you, his flag seemed pretty familiar, yet you can't remember which country has it. 

"Yeah," you nodded, "for the ASEAN countries only, though." His face turned into a smile, his hands were quick to grab the files and shouted out to the others. 

"Oi! You dumbasses, stop fighting, ASEAN already had his files delivered to us!" Indonesia was the first one to stop 

"Wha- It already arrived? Phil! You could've said that later! I almost managed to throw China onto the floor!" Oh so he was the Philippines, how did you forget that.  

Time flies so fast, it felt as if several minutes just passed since you talked to the countries in the Asian department, yet, lunchtime had already ended, and now, you were on your way to meet UN. Slowly approaching the meeting room, you pushed the door lightly, letting yourself in. In front of you, you can see the UN, ASEAN, and EU- 

"Wait! Wasn't he the one I bumped into earlier?!" You mumbled in surprise, and it seemed that the said organization was also as surprised as you, if not way more. EU's expression changed from surprised to stern and a bit furious, he then turned to UN and remarked. 

"UN, I don't approve of this person."

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Information and Quests

Love Interests unlocked: 8(+4)

Quest points: 0

Next quest milestone: 10 points

Routes unlocked: 0

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