♡ 300 reads special ♡

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A/n: Oh gosh we've reached 300 reads already?! That's so cool!!! Yesterday it was just 200 and now it's 300?! I love you guys so much! Thanks for reading my story! For those who actually enjoyed my story, have this as thanks from me!

P.s: Oh and I wanna ask, would you guys like to have our boy China as a love interest as well? 'Cause I suddenly love him so much so what do you guys think?

♡ ~ —•✧•— ~ ♡

My headcanons for China!

Regular China HCs

- A literal humanoid dragon, he has horns and a tail and could breathe fire, though he usually sticks with breathing out smoke only.

- Loves speaking Chinese to those that can't understand the language just to annoy them.

- Wears his traditional clothes to work every time, along with his long hair, sometimes people would mistake him for a female, and he'll just go like "Oh? Fufufu~ Am I that pretty that you thought I was a female?~"

- The fact that he's a dragon grants him a few spiritual abilities, he could only use them to hide his dragon features only tho-

- Carries a hand fan on him all the time, but he mostly uses it for hitting other people's heads other than its real purpose-

- Calm, very calm, could act as if everything's normal even when the world's ending, but will be a maniac if he wishes to watch others' reactions.

- Most countries mistook him for a playboy, but in reality, he never date those he doesn't have any feelings for, still says and does things that give them false hope tho- At least his rejections won't be as harsh as Ame's.

- Teasing is his lifestyle, and he can't live a day without teasing at least 1 person, 100% confirmed.

- His favorite teasing targets are North Korea and Vietnam, and would embarrass them every chance he gets.

- Pretty unpredictable, he could be extremely focused in a meeting and then 3 seconds later was caught reading some novels.

- Sees Ame and his allies as enemies, neutral countries as not-so-important countries, and has a love-hate relationship with everyone else.

- Holds a certain amount of respect for UN, and also ASEAN for being able to cope with his chaotic country members, can't say the same for EU tho.

- The only person he ever looked up to was probably USSR.

Romantic China HCs

- Okay, listen, dude is a literal master chef in his traditional dishes, so if you like Chinese dishes, you're in luck, since he'll cook 'em for you every single meal, but if you're not? Well, he'll either make you do all the cooking or just order something for the both of you.

- Believes that cuddling is overrated, but would still cuddle you if you ask nicely enough, he'll probably tease you for wanting to cuddle with him first, like I said, the guy can't live without teasing.

- A lot of people had their eyes on him, so be prepared to earn a few glares here and there when you two are in public, he'll glare them right back for you tho-

- Can but won't make the first move, he's not shy, he just wants to tease you once you make a move.

- Sleeping with him is truly boring honestly, as I've stated, he thinks cuddles are overrated, so won't cuddle you if you didn't ask him before. The most intimate he'll ever get when sleeping with you is, well... facing you, he's a man of personal space after all.

A/n: Well that's all! Thank you guys for reading this chapter;w; Chapter 5 will be uploaded soon!

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