The Chs' chat group 2

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2 Cool 4 School

Your local pretty boi is online

Your local pretty boi

The organizations r never onl, wonder if they even know how to chat on a gc-


What do yall think????

Germany and 2 others are online


Why is it always you who strikes up a conversation that is very likely to get you into trouble 5 seconds later?

Your local pretty boi

Oh shaddup 'Germs' ur not qualified to join this convo



Why Germs?

Your local pretty boi

Dats wut our note writer calls u, isnt it?


Many bacterias?



Germany is now offline

Your local pretty boi

Oh wow

Offended much???

Banh Mi and sandwich are different

Anyone would

So yeah, no surprises

Your local pretty boi


Ur onl???


Oh wait

Nothings normal these days lol

Money money money is online

Money money money

Where's UN?

He should know that a certain North American is calling us stupid

White wings and a halo

I am always here EU, observe is the key to success

Or in this case,

The key to know who's been talking behind your back

Your local pretty boi

You saw it all??


Since the beginning??

White wings and a halo

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