Chapter Thirteen

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I hopped up out of the bed. "Alrighty then!" I smiled and rushed to my bag of new clothes.

I changed into a crop top that was white and said in black letters "I'd rather be napping" and tight ripped black leggings. I put on my black and white converse and brushed my now lilac purple hair. He just smiled at me. "Are you fighting tonight?" he asked.

I thought a moment. "Yes, we need the money," I sighed.

We left the room, locking up after we left. It was sprinkling outside and the water smelled of honey. Or maybe that was just me. We got into the car and he drove downtown, using his phone for navigator. When we got there the ground shook below us and I knew it was at an underground club. We stepped along side into an alley and three guys were waiting for us, all leaned up against either wall casually. Their eyes lit up when they saw Daniel and I suddenly felt small. "You said you'd never come," one man smiled, he was missing a tooth.

"Too small of a town for me I guess," Daniel smiled back.

He held his arm around my waist protectively. Another man stepped forward, inspecting me. "Who's this?" he asked.

He stepped closer but I didn't step back like he expected me too, his eyes danced with amusement. "She'll drop kick you on your ass John," Daniel smiled a little more tense now.

"Right," he smiled creepily.

He started walking towards me and I tensed up. I acted on instinct and didn't even realize what I was doing. I jumped and placed both feet on his chest before kicking off and doing a flip to land on my feet. I had my fists up but I knew my expression hadn't changed.

The guy missing a tooth whistled. John sat up and shook his head laughing. "You taught her good Daniel," he said breathless.

"Oh, I didn't teach her anything. She knows this and more," Daniel chuckled.

The other guys smiled at me, but not in a creepy way. "Ready?" Daniel asked kissing the top of my head.

I just nodded and we went through the trap door to the men's left. We went down the ladder and then down a staircase. Lights pressed everywhere and people were dancing, and the ones who weren't were watching the fight in the ring. They were two hefty guys, wearing barely any clothing. In the end the blonde one won and everyone cheered. "Who wants to take on the undefeated champion!?" the DJ yelled out.

I raised my hand and everyone, and I mean everyone, turned to look at me. A few started laughing. When the DJ waved me on up I walked towards the ring. The hefty guy with black hair, the undefeated champion, was flexing his muscles trying to impress me, or scare me. I got in the ring and stood on my spot. I could see spots of blood around me and I almost laughed. The man raised one fist, wrapping the other around his back. People laughed around us but I just sighed. What a waist of time. I brought up my fists and settled into place. The bell rang and he charged forwards. His body was low so I jumped, landing gracefully on his back. He stood up straight quickly and grabbed at my legs but I jumped again doing a swinging kick into the back of his head. I landed on my tippy toes and he went tumbling forward. He growled a low and muscular growl and spun around. He didn't charge this time though, he side ran at me and I was genuinely surprised. I merely ducked and ran forward, bringing one foot up to his face. He caught my ankle and threw me to the ground. my ankle throbbed and I frowned. I got up too quickly for him to notice and kneed him right in the groin. He doubled over and I kneed him in the face a good four or five times before taking his head in my hands and throwing him aside. When he tried to get up I merely placed a foot flat against his forehead and pressed him to the ground. He was so stunned he didn't move, and soon I had won. People were going crazy, and Daniel was no where to be seen. I searched for him for the next half hour before finding him in a private room with a few of his friends. They were drinking, all except Daniel, they were laughing too. "Babe!" he smiled, relieved. 

I went over to him and sat in his lap. "So tell us about yourself missy," the toothless guy said smiling. 

"I only tell important people my past," I said wrapped one arm lazily over Daniel's shoulder.

"Since when is good old Ray not important?" Ray smiled. 

I cocked my head like I was actually thinking about it. "Never, as far as I know," I said.

Laughter erupted into the silence that followed my comment. Ray just smiled taking a swig of Mary Gold. "You want anything sugar?" he said cocking his head towards the liquor cabinet.

"Nah, I don't drink," I said. 

Daniel didn't need to have an alcoholic girlfriend right after losing his alcoholic dad, it's kind of rude to do to someone you love. "I'm going to fight soon, they paid me what you made on that fight," Daniel smiled like a lottery winner.

He whispered how much I won and I gasped.

How did people down here have that kind of money?

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