Chapter Ten

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I was laying against something cold and wet. In the van I only heard hushed voices. But after awhile I was out of the car and dragged down stairs and now here I am. I could hear the shuffling of someone and knew I was being watched. "So what's up?" I asked trying to sound casual.

I heard them scoff. A male. I tried peering through the bag but there was only glimpses of light. I started nibbling at the bag, breaking the tiny threads. I could just wait but I'd do my best to get out of here. "Nothing just being bored," he laughed.

I recognized his voice. He was one of the kids from Daniel's bully crew. I believed it was the blonde one. "Jordan," I sneered.

"Shit," he hissed under his breath.

I sat up straight and worked on the rope knotting my hands together behind my back. I did my best not to laugh when I realized, the knots weren't tight enough for my tiny wrists. But before I could make my dramatic escape I heard a door unlock. I decided to see how things played out. I heard some hushed voices and a slap. I hand rough hands drag me to my feet. I willing went along. "Not so tough now are ya," I heard Erik whisper in my ear.

I grit my teeth. We had gotten back in the van. We drove for a good hour or two before getting out of the van. I was dragged into a new place, but this time up a few steps so I assumed it was a home. When we got inside I heard rustling and people moving about. Did he take me to a public place? "Hm, I can see her body but not her face," an unfamiliar voice said.

I felt the bag ripped off my head. I looked around, my eyes adjusting to the surroundings. We were in a very wide open space, a warehouse. There in front of me, three yards away was a handsome man in a throne of some sort. Women sat around him waiting for his next words. I grit my teeth, I was in something serious now. The man was in his twenties easily and had ruffed up brown hair. His eyes glowing a sky blue, his jaw and skin flawless. But I couldn't help to compare him to Daniel. "She is quite pretty, better than my others," he said.

The women quickly glared at me. I took a deep breath through my nose. "But I've heard she has a few weaknesses," he smiled.

Two more figures were dragged to him by other men carrying guns. The bags were pulled off to reveal Daniel and Adam. I didn't flinch, I felt my skin get hot. "Express your emotions Scarlett," Erik sneered.

I closed my eyes and felt the rope behind my back slip off. Everything moved in slow motions from there on. I clipped Erik in the jaw with my elbow and punched him in the face knocking him to the ground. I heard people draw their guns. But they weren't aimed at me, they were aimed at Daniel and Adam. I grabbed Erik's gun. I noticed the men in the warehouse were in a circle around the room. I smiled at my advantage. I bent my body in the air while I jumped and shot a curved bullet. The bullet went through each body one by one. Soon they were all on the ground, my gun pointed at the man. He had a gun on Adam. "Your little boyfriend here is a little nervous Scarlett," the man said having the gun on Adam.

Boyfriend? Maybe I could use this to my advantage. I dropped the gun and started walking towards him. He jumped the gun to aim at me. His hand didn't even shake the slightest. I just smiled sweetly at him. I had another gun in my waistband behind me. I put my hands up and he lowered the gun. I quickly pulled out the other gun and sent a bullet clean through his forehead. Adam was sobbing but Daniel was just staring. "Lets go, we need to go," I hissed.

They followed me out of the warehouse. I knew I had just put myself in a very dangerous situation. I found a car and hot wired it. We all got in and I soon found out we were in the country by Seattle. After a long drive of silence we got to my house. I knew the drill, from movies and from experience. "Pack your stuff we're leaving," I said.

I heard Adam run to his room but Daniel followed me downstairs. I threw clothes in my bag and some other necessaries. I felt a warm hand wrap around my waist. I looked back to see Daniel pulling me to him. "Weakness," he murmured.

I then knew what he was thinking. "I know I'm going to forever regret this but they know I care about you Daniel, they're going to go after you now. I'm sorry but I need you to come with me," I said my voice high pitched and hysteric. 

"I was with my dad at that interview. It was going okay, but they barged in the room and shot everyone in the room taking me," he murmured.

I gasped. They shot his dad. "Like I know I wasn't close to him and really hated him but he was getting better Scarlett," he sighed.

I turned around and placed my hand around his face. I looked into his dark blue ocean eyes and kissed him. "I love you," I murmured.

Our noses touched and he smiled slightly. I spun around grabbing my suitcase and we went back upstairs. Adam was there sitting on the couch. "You've told me nothing of your past!" he was bawling.

Adam had no family let and I knew I was pretty much all he had but I knew I've hurt him. "I'm sor-" I was cut off by the windows exploding. 

Smoke started to invade the room. My ears were ringing and Daniel was rushing me out the door. He had his bag on his shoulder but my suitcase was behind us. Daniel pushed me out the door.

I looked back to see Adam's limp body on the floor.

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