Chapter Eleven

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My ears were ringing as Daniel made me get into Adam's bug car. I didn't see him grab the keys earlier but he must have. My eyes were blurry and my cheeks were red. There were a million questions in my head but they all swarmed around one. Is Adam alive? My thoughts screamed, spitting acid.

Daniel buckled me in the car in a rush, my arms unresponsive. Daniel started the car and sped off, the tired squealing. I looked out the window. Black cars were speeding after us, gaining. Daniel drove so quick it wasn't the tears blurring my vision. We were out of town in a rush, trees becoming even more monstrous. We were soon in another town, time seemed unstoppable. We lost them over the next few minutes, or hours I stopped noticing after a few seconds. Daniel pulled into a motel. I didn't know where we were or what time it was but it was night. We parked in the back and made our way to the front. Daniel went inside leaving me in the car. My body was numb and my heart seemed so slow I wondered if I was even alive. Soon Daniel walked back out with a pair of keys. He carried me in his arms to a motel room on the second story. He placed me in bed and took off my shoes. "You're in shock," he said after a few moments.

He was right. I was trying to be clear headed but my thoughts were jumbled and I felt insane on the inside, though I probably looked dead on the outside. Daniel laid next to me and he smelled like sweat. I didn't mind. He wrapped one arm around my waist and laid his head on my chest. His breaths soon became less and I knew he was asleep. After awhile I felt my body beginning to wake up. My eyes widened. Adam was dead. I wanted to breath faster and freak out but Daniel was so peaceful next to me, I didn't want to wake him up. I carefully removed myself from Daniels grasp and walked into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My red hair was a mess and my makeup was smudged. I looked down and let a tear fall. I bit my lip until it began to bleed. You will not cry, I screamed at myself.

I removed my clothing and got in the shower, the door still wide open. I turned the hot water up until it burned my skin. I let the water wash away my stress and problem solved. I always thought better in the shower. We obviously walked into something with a bigger picture. We were now a target. I had made Daniel a target. And Adam. I shook my head. No self pity, not right now, I said to myself.

We could keep running, and that was probably a good idea. We'd have to wait until we could find a place to stay. Daniel. Would we be able to stay as we were feeling wise? Or did he blame me for his father's death? I hadn't noticed the water had turned cold until my teeth began to chatter. I stepped out and grabbed a towel, wrapping it around my body. I looked in the mirror, all of my makeup had washed off and my hair hung, dark red, over my bare shoulders. I walked out and Daniel was awake, watching tv. I stood there and watched him as he watched me. "I'm sorry for waking you up," I said.

He just smiled. Maybe he didn't hate me after all. "No, I was already awake," he said.

I looked back in the bathroom. What was I going to wear? Daniel went across the room and grabbed his bag that I'd totally forgotten about. "Here," he said and handed me a over sized black shirt. I took the shirt and looked down, shuffling back to the bathroom. I slipped on my underwear and bra before putting on the shirt. It smelled completely of Daniel, like freshly cut wood. It was cotton and it was very loose but very comfortable. I walked back out and Daniel continued to study me. I shuffled over to the bed and curled up next to him. I laid my head on his chest and wrapped an arm across his stomach. I sighed and closed my eyes. "I don't blame you," he said suddenly.

I opened my eyes to look up at him. "For my dad, that was them, not you," he said.

I felt my bottom lip begin to tremble. I bit my lip again and looked away, but Daniel brought his fingers to my chin and made me turn towards him. I felt a small pool of blood in my mouth but Daniel kissed me anyway. I kissed him back, feeling my face heat. I pulled away and rested my head against his chest once again. I evened out my breathing and pretended to sleep. After awhile I heard the tv shut off and Daniel beginning to snore lightly. I smiled. So we were fugitives. We were being hunted to be killed by who knows. Adam was dead. 

My breath caught. Adam was dead. My life long friend, gone. Tears pooled in my eyes and I grit my teeth. You have Daniel at least, my thoughts whispered.

I smiled letting a sob escape, waking Daniel. He tightened his hold on me. I soon couldn't hold back the tears any longer and began to cry softly. I couldn't breath and Daniel was holding on to me the whole time. Adam was dead, but I had Daniel. I had someone. Daniel kissed the top of my head when I began to run out of tears. "I love you," he whispered against my head.

"I love you too," I choked out. 

Adam was dead, but I had Daniel.

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