Chapter One

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        I walked side by side with my gay best friend Adam. He had a confident swing in his hips as we walked into the school's main office. "I'd like to sign up Scarlett Black to this high school," Adam smiled sweetly at the receptionist. 

She smiled at Adam with realization. "So this is the girl huh?" she smiled, looking me over.

"Yup, we need her schedule, locker number, you know," Adam laughed, and sipped his mocha. 

She handed me a bunch of papers and I looked down at them with no interest. "C'mon girl, this way," and Adam led me out the door. 

He led me through the commons and into a narrow hallway, all the way to a hallway that was so big it looked like a building itself. There were two floor but the second floor was partly just balcony. Lockers lined all the walls and I was suddenly losing confidence. "I believe yours is on the second floor," Adam said reading the papers.

He led me up the stairs and all the way down and to the last locker on the right. Locker number 665. I looked to the locker on my left and smirked at the locker 666. Adam opened my locker and it was bland and cold. "Good thing I brought goodies!" he smiled.

I looked to him confused. He pulled a plastic bag out of his back pack and handed it to me. I looked in to find a bunch of locker decorations. I looked to him, un-amused. He clapped his hands and started decorating my locker. I took a step back and watched. "You can go explore while I do this, just don't get lost," he smiled.

I sighed and turned around. I went back downstairs and out the door, leaving a rock between the door and the pole, so I wouldn't be locked out. I walked out and looked at the forest that threatened to overtake the school. Everything was too green and it looked like an alien planet. I heard a whack and my head snapped to find out where it came from. When I realized it came from a group of kids by the treeline I lost interest. Until I saw that they were crowded around one boy, who was now laying face down in the grass. I slowly walked over with a blank face. The guys attention caught when I was a yard away. "Who are you?" the tall blonde smirked at me.

I nearly shifted my head to look at him. "What are you doing?" I asked emotionless.

"Just playing a game," he frowned, like I wasn't amusing him.

I looked to the boy face down in the grass. "Some game," I said with a monotone voice.

"Look if you're going to act like a robot do it somewhere else!" another boy growled.

"Whose going to make me?" I challenged.

They might not have known it, but I knew it. Even with the five of them, none of them stood a chance. The blonde one growled and stormed up to me and got in my face. Weed tinged his breath as he spoke. "Me," he growled.

His fist raised and he cast it forward. I caught his fist with ease and he stared shocked. "Bad choice," I smirked.

I bent his fist back and punched him in the shoulder. He howled in pain and kneeled to the ground, clutching his most likely dislocated shoulder. "Leave now and I might decide to go easy on you," I shrugged.

The other boy who spoke earlier charged at me like a bull, ready to tackle. I simply moved slightly to the right and he went crashing head first into the tree behind me. The other three boys looked me in the eye and saw I was serious. One kid nodded to the others and put his hands up in defeat. The other three boys stalked off and I went over to the kid in the grass. He was staring at me wide eyes and I simply just put my hand out. He took my hand and stood up. He was easily six feet when I was barely 5'5. His black slick hair hung in his face, his eyes a glowing grey. He had a sharp jaw and had pale skin. His uniform tie was loose and his pants bagged. He was slim making him look even taller. He looked down at me and we didn't say anything, just stared. "I'm Scarlett," I said.

"Daniel," he said simply.

I had an urge to brush his hair out of his eyes. I felt my face get hot at my own thoughts. I never thought about emotions, I merely just met him and I was thinking about showing emotion! Get yourself together Scarlett! He opened his mouth but shut it again. He just nodded his head back to the school and I nodded in agreement. We walked in silence all the way to the school. I found that he was the one with the 666 locker. Adam had totally outdone himself, the weird part was, I thought it looked good. He had turned the blue inside black and there was a marker board on the door and diamond tipped hooks that poked out under the shelf on top. At the roof of the locker hung a miniature black chandelier. I smiled slightly and thanked Adam. Adam's eyes flew to Daniel and I knew he was getting ahead of himself. "Well we should get to class," Adam huffed, his eyes never leaving Daniel.

Daniel's never leaving mine. We all had first hour together coincidental. We all three sat in the back. I sat in the middle between Adam and Daniel. I looked to Adam who found it hard to concentrate and then to Daniel who looked all too bored. I then wondered how I looked to others. I shook my head, no Scarlett, just because this is a new beginning doesn't mean you get to start worrying about stupid things and getting emotional. But my thoughts backtracked, what did Daniel think of me?

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