Chapter 47

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Shit. Shit. Shit.

I scrambled off my sitting position and bent down on the floor, gently picking up Jann's head and placing it on my lap. I tapped her cheeks multiple times but she wasn't opening up her eyes.

"Jann. Open your eyes, Jann. Please, wake up." I pleaded, repeatedly tapping her cheeks.

"She's not opening her eyes." I started panicking, looking frantically at them for help. Ace rushed to my side with a glass of water and sprinkled some on her face as I kept tapping her cheeks but....

Nothing. No movement.

I fearfully placed my hand on her nostrils and... Oh thank Allah, she's breathing. Barely.

But she's still breathing atleast.

"Will someone get out a goddamn car?" I yelled, picking her up in my arms as tears welled up in my eyes.

In my peripheral, Jann's mom was close to hyperventilating and her dad was trying to calm her down. Jalil and my parents were just standing there like statues while Hanan and Fahd dashed towards the front door with me tailing behind them.

"Hurry!" I barked, bouncing on my feet as he pulled his car out of the garage and stopped right in front of us. I got in the backseat with her, setting her gently and placing her head back on my laps.

"Jannah, I need you to wake up. Please. Please. Please." I begged, still tapping her cheeks, shaking her, doing everything I could to wake her up.

What's wrong with her?

"She'll be fine, in sha Allah." Hanan told me to reassure both me and her, I'm sure.

But that's the least of my concerns, I just need Jann to open her eyes.

"Will you step on it, please?" I asked but did not get a reply.

Once we reached the hospital, the doctor's took her in and we were now waiting in the waiting area for some news on her condition.

"Sit down, will you?" Fahd told me and I glared at him, still pacing to and fro. I rested my head on the wall and punched it multiple times.

"Why the fuck are they taking so long?" I yelled at no one in particular.

"Look, we're all worried sick here but you need to calm down, for Jann's sake." Fahd said, holding his head between his hands, his eyes bloodshot.

"My darling." I heard Mami's voice from afar and once I made eye contact with her, I broke down. She rushed over and gave me a bear hug, not letting go off me. And the tears started flowing.

"Why, Mami? Why isn't she waking up?" I asked, not caring about anything and anyone but for Jann to wake up.

"It'll be okay. Just have faith." She told me, stroking my back softly whispering soothing words into my ear.

"Is she going to be okay?" I murmured, my tears not stopping.

"In sha Allah, she will be. Come, and sit down." She pulled me to the chairs and sat me down, sitting with me as well.

I placed my head on her laps as she ran her hand through her hair and I played her words in my head again. She'll be okay, my Jann will be okay in sha Allah.

I wiped my face and waited....waited for what seemed like an eternity before the doctor came out and said to give him a minute. It was then that I realised Mr. and Mrs. Adam in the premises. The doctor went to what I presumed to his office and seconds later, came back.

"She's fine. As I told you two weeks ago, she had a grade 3 concussion that is why she lost consciousness. We have taken a CT and MRI scan to check for brain damages and I asked her a few questions, she seems to be doing okay. Here's a prescription of some aspirin-free meds for her and please, make sure she rests. She shouldn't be stressed nor should she partake in any of her athletic activities for now." The doctor explained, handing Fahd Jann's prescription.

"Thank you so much, Habib." Fahd told him, shaking his hand.

"Come on, Fahd. We're past that, just make sure Jann gets a lot of rest and if anything comes up, you know where to find me." The doctor told him with a smile.

"Can we see her now?" Jann's mother asked and the doctor nodded his head in approval.

Mr and Mrs Adam went in and Fahd went with the Habib guy to get her discharge paper, while my parents and I waited outside to give the family some alone time.

My dad sighed shakily from beside me. "I'm sorry, boy. This is all my fault."

I didn't even argue with him on that because he's damn right that he is at fault for all that has happened.

So I muttered a 'Yeah'.

The place fell into complete silence and Fahd returned shortly ushering us to go in with him and we followed.

I stayed at the far corner of the room and watched as they all asked about her health while Fahd joined her on the hospital bed, hugging her to his chest and she laughed at his worried state

He loves her too much.

Once they were all done, Mr Adam told them to give Jann and I a moment alone. He stopped right in frontvof me and for the life of me, I couldn't muster up the courage to look at him after all that had happened today so I looked at my shoes instead.

He patted me on the shoulder, and I slowly- fearfully- looked up at him only to find him giving me a bright smile. I returned his gesture with a weak smile and he patted my shoulder once more in appreciation before exiting the room. I exhaled loudly not realising that I was holding my breath the entire time.

"Well that was fun to watch." Jann said with a grin on her face.

I shake my head. "How are you feeling?" I asked her and she shrugged.

"I'm okay, you guys are worrying for no reason, I'm totally fine." She waved nonchalantly as she spoke.

"You freaking lost consciousness!" I exclaimed, walking closer to her.

"I-I held you in my arms, trying to wake you up but you were limp. You weren't even breathing properly. So I have every right to be worried right now." I told her, getting frustrated for no reason.

"Hey! Look at me." She said firmly and I obeyed, looking at her and feeling drained suddenly.

"I'm alright, okay? I'll be fine in sha Allah." She said softly and I breathed out through my mouth.

"In sha Allah." I repeated, closing my eyes for a second.

After a few minutes of us talking, Fahd announced that it was time to go home. I helped him take Jann to the car and sat beside her in the backseat.

"I'm feeling sleepy." She stated, placing her head on my shoulder and before I knew it, I heard her heavy breathing indicating she was asleep.

Upon reaching home, I allowed Fahd to pick her up not wanting an embarrassing encounter with my soon to be parents in law and I followed him to Jann's room where he gently laid her down, tucking her in. He kissed her forehead and she murmured inaudibly, turning on her bed.

"Umm.. I need to take off her hijab so she doesn't strangle herself while sleeping." Fahd stated and I nod my head, walking out of the room with a smile.

She's going to be my wife.

Very very soon, in sha Allah.

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