ch 17

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Korra and Asami hadn't been living together for a very long time but they did already have routines for things that go on throughout the day.

Such as getting ready for work together, packing each other lunches, brushing their teeth together. That sort of thing. But the one thing about routine is that when you become used to it, it makes it harder to break it.

When they slept Korra would always say 'goodnight' first then Asami would say it back. Just saying goodnight to each other was the last thing that they did before sleeping and they both enjoyed doing it.

But Korra ended up getting a little too used to it. When she said goodnight to Asami one night she didn't respond. She fell asleep while holding onto Korra like how a child holds a stuffed bear.

The avatar was going to just brush it off and go to sleep but she couldn't. It felt like she her would be incomplete if she didn't properly finish it.

However while she was thinking about this the ceo woke up since she felt there was something wrong. She looked at the back of Korra's head (she's big spoon) and nuzzled her face into her hair.

"Night bear"

And just as quickly as she woke up she fell right back asleep. Asami talking scared Korra for a moment but after a few seconds she gave a soft smile.

Her night was finally finished and with that she scooted back into her forever girl more and closed her eyes for the night.

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