Chapters 9 - Street Art Goes Wild.

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(In an a big house in the middle of a forest, Santa Clara Valley, California - 8:00 AM)

(Third person POV)

Void was asleep on his bed not wearing his mask which was lying on a small desk next to his bed. His alarm clock then started ringing and then he opened his eyes which were actually glowing in a bright white color and he let's out a yawn and got up from his bed and did a few stretches and then went to the bathroom and took a shower and brushed his teeth as well and puts on his clothes and then puts on his mask and looks at himself in the mirror.

Void: Now back to work.

Void then removes a photo from his shirts pocket and the photo showed void when he was normal and a woman who seemed to related to him. Perhaps his sister. Void looked at the photo a bit and then puts it back and then walks out of his room to check on Danny.

(With Danny)

Danny woke up early and was in the living room playing elden ring on the PS5 on a TV that was in the room he was in while sitting on a couch.

Godrick*through TV*: Forefathers one and all.....BEAR WITNESS !

Danny: :0 My god this is epic.

As he was doing the second phase of the boss fight , Void arrives in the living room and saw Danny playing and let's out a small chuckle seeing him enjoying himself. The two had been in this house for at least a week now ever since they decided to lay low from the foundation and they would move out again once the heat had died down. In that week he was able to get to know Danny a bit better. Danny in his eyes was a kind person with a heart of gold and lover of pop culture and can act childish sometimes...and he did feel bad for him being an orphan. No one deserves to be alone and he himself could relate to that.....because his sister being missing for who knows how long now....which he knows the foundation had a hand in. Also he couldn't get too much out of Danny regarding his powers and who gave it to him but he could understand why he might not telling him because whoever gave Danny this much power must be dangerous and might have told Danny to keep it a secret. So he is in the dark regarding where Danny got his powers for now but if he had to take a guess regarding the tentacles and business suit Danny would be Slenderman.

Void: Hmmmm. Why would he give him this sort of power though ? *he thought*

Danny: *sees void* 😮 Oh ! 😄 Good morning void.

Void: Morning to you as well , Danny. Playing video games as usual I see.

Danny: Yep....*continues playing* Soooooo it's been a week now so no doubt the heat with the foundation must have died down right ?

Void: I believe so......That is why today we are going to investigate an SCP.

Danny: :/ Oh......Which one exactly ?

Void: SCP-1155 also known as "The Predatory Street Art."

Danny: That bird humanoid that is a graffiti on a wall & is a keter class SCP ?

Void: The one and only. Some news reports have been circulating online about 5 people all whom were maintenance workers going missing in the abandoned underground subway tunnels underneath New York. That's where we will start our investigation and I know the SCP Foundation will be there in the city to look for it.

Danny: *defeats Godrick & gets up from the couch* Now hold up Void. I am currently wanted by the foundation and the first place they captured me was in New York. If I show up there we will draw heat from their foundation agents posted there to ourselves.

Danny's Bizarre and Creepy Adventures in the SCP world (Slenderman x Jojo × SCP)Where stories live. Discover now