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Arizona and Blair got married when Charlotte was 4. She was the Cutest flower girl at the whole wedding.

Since then , Charlotte has started school and is fitting in well.

Arizona and Blair had moved into a bigger house together as they welcomed their second child. It was a boy , and they named him after arizonas brother Timothy . The baby's full name was Timothy Daniel robbins.

As time went on the hospital evolved , from seattle grace-mercy west to Grey Sloan memorial hospital. Grey Sloan was for Lexie , Meredith's little sister.

The attendings plus some interns were involved in a pane crash, killing Lexie Grey-Sloan. The crash also severely injured Callie torres , a orthopedic fellow who then later died from her injuries.

Mark had never recovered from loosing Lexie. He dived right back into his work, trying to find the most difficult surgeries to distract his broken heart.

Everyone in blair and arizonas life had stayed the same , a few new faces and people but everything was going well.

Addison had found herself a husband, after moving her practice to LA. She found love and ended up having a child with him which she named sophia-grace Reilly.

Even though they were miles apart. Addison and Blair still kept in close contact. They would arrange to meet up with the kids and let them have a play date every once in a while.

Everyone (for the most part) lived happily ever after.

The end.

Authors note.

So the epilogues I usually do are very different from this but I didn't like them and wanted to switch it up.

This is from a third person POV just retelling what has happened in the time since the last chapter.

I left Arizona out the plane crash but added in a character that hasn't been mentioned in the story.
But this is the end to love game. I hope it was all you expected!

Gotta give my gals a happy ending

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