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"Arizona?" I called from the kitchen, she was getting ready in the bedroom "yeah love?" She walked into the kitchen. "Can you um call mark?" I put one hand on my bump and the other on the counter to steady myself.

"What do you want me to tell him?" She asked as she picked up her phone. "Tell him to meet us at the hospital. My waters broke" I winced as another contraction hit me.

Once my words registered with Arizona she had a look of panic on her face. "Okay this is happening!" She said as she rushed back into the bedroom, grabbing the hospital bag before quickly texting mark and then coming to my side.

"We're going to go to the car okay? Just keep taking deep breaths" she comforted me as we made our way to the car.


Once at the hospital I got in a wheelchair and wheeled up to the labour and delivery ward where mark and Addison was waiting for us.

Once I was checked over I was left in the room until it progressed. Leaving Arizona , mark and I alone.

"We still need to decide on a name. We didn't agree on that" I spoke from the hospital bed.

"We don't have to do that right now" mark spoke

"We don't know how long we're going to be here. It's something to pass the time" I replied

"Okay, we'll what were you thinking?" Arizona spoke up from the chair she was sitting in.

"Well since it's a girl , I really like the name Charlotte" I looked at both of them to see their first reaction to the name.

"It's a Lovely name" Arizona spoke

"Yeah I like it." Mark replied

"Great now that's settled. Middle name, last name and godparents." I replied to them , given I was only 5 centimetres we could be here a while.

"I want derek as godfather" mark spoke up

"Okay that's fine. I want addie as the godmother" I replied and he nodded.

"Now a middle name, I was thinking Amelia" I spoke again.

"That sounds good" Arizona replied

"Charlotte Amelia Sloan. I like it." Mark spoke up

"Now wait a minute. When did we agree on that last name?" I spoke up again turning to look at mark.

"I just assumed since kids usually get their dads last name" mark defended himself.

"That's old fashioned mark" i rebutted "Charlotte Amelia robbins sloan, that way it's hyphenated , and everyone gets their name"

"Wait you want my name as the baby's last name?" Arizona spoke for the first time in a bit.

I turned to look at her "well yes, I want the baby to have your last name. She's just as much yours as she is ours"

Arizona began to tear up and mark took that as a cue to leave so we could talk. I appreciated it.

"Come here" I held my arms out and she came over for a hug.

"You really mean it? You really want the baby to have my last name?" She asked as her voice cracked.

"I do. You've been so supportive and I can't thank you enough. I love you Arizona" I used one hand to stroke her hair.

"I love you so much" she replied in a mumble.

"What was that?" I wanted to wind her up

"I said I love you so much" she said a little louder.

"Glad we're on the same page" I smiled , once we broke away from the hug mark and Addison came back in.


After monitoring me for a while it was finally time to start pushing. It didn't take long after waiting for almost two hours to get to 10 centimetres.

It was all worth it when I had my baby girl in my arms. Her soft cries filled the room before she settled in my arms.

"Addie, we'd like you to meet Charlotte Amelia robbins-Sloan" I began "and we'd like you to be her godmother"

Addison had a look of adoration on her face as she registered what I was asking her. "Seriously?" I nodded "I would want nothing more" she smiled and came to get a closer look at the baby.

"She's gorgeous, you did a good job blair, I'll come back later okay?" I nodded "thank you Addison"


Once everything had calmed down , mark had a turn of holding the baby and he was a natural with her. So was Arizona. I knew in that moment that we would all be okay.

Everything would turn out fine.

Authors note

So here we are. The end of love game. The next chapter will be the epilogue. I can't thank you all enough for the support you've shown on my story. All the comments and votes mean a lot.

If you liked this story check out my others. I have one more GA story which is a Amelia x female reader. I want to start editing that in the future but that's just an idea.

Hope you all enjoyed reading.


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