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Fav manwhore

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Fav manwhore

We need to talk. Asap

Fav manwhore
Hello to you too
Yeah sure meet at lunch?

Yep that works. See you then
Read 9:30am


Two little pink lines wasn't how I imagined spending my Friday morning. I had been feeling off but just assumed I had picked up a bug at the hospital. But I had a feeling so decided to take a test. And there it was staring back at me

I was definitely pregnant. With marks baby. And I knew exactly when it happened , the night I broke up with Arizona, mark and I got drunk and had breakup sex. Of course since then we had been hooking up but this was the most probable date considering the other symptoms I had been having, the weight gain and the moods.

I put the test in my locker and decided to ignore it for the day. Only deciding to acknowledge it at lunch with mark. The sooner I told him the sooner I would be able to make a decision. I knew what I wanted to do. But mark has a right to know.


The morning was slow. Charting and running labs wasn't how I expected to be spending my expertise but it was welcomed , it gave me time to think of how I would tell mark. This whole situation was bound to happen one way or another , I just didn't suspect it to be now, I would've thought when we first started hooking up it would happen.

But here we are. Me sitting here 3 months pregnant , single and no idea on how I'm going to tell mark. I would tell Addison after I've spoke to mark, but for some reason Arizona was still at the back of my mind. It shouldn't matter that I was pregnant with marks baby but it did , what would she think? Again her opinion shouldn't matter since we were separated.

She hadn't texted me since the breakup and I hadn't texted her. I still think things should've ended differently but she ended up going to Africa and that's how mark and I started sleeping together again. It was a good distraction from the breakup.

Lunchtime came around and I was more nervous than I wanted to admit. How would mark react? I know he took Addison aborting his baby badly but what would he think if I wanted to keep it? Would he be onboard? He probably would but this was a situation that had been playing on my mind all day.


"Hey mark" I smiled weakly as I sat down next to him " can we talk after lunch? Just us two. Away from everyone?" I began eating my lunch , I had been hungry for a while but held out until now.

"Yeah is everything ok Blondie?" He looked at me strangely, probably because I just ate my lunch within around a minute. I was just hungry. "Mhm yep everything's fine. Just hungry , Been a busy morning" I lied but he seemed to buy it

"So how's your day been?" I changed the subject , hoping he'd just go along with it. "I have a clueless intern on my service. It could be going better" he replied before eating his lunch. We sat in comfortable silence for the rest of lunch.


After lunch I found us a empty on call room , once again locking the door like I have many times before. I sat down , knowing that I need to tell him now before I lose my nerve. "So what is it Blair" he asked sitting down next to me.

I took his hand in mine to prepare myself for what I was about to say to him. "I'm pregnant" I replied "we're pregnant" I looked at him waiting on his reply. "We are?" He whispered I just nodded , I couldn't come up with a reply.

He wrapped both his arms around me and gave me the biggest hug I had ever received from him in my life. "This is amazing" he replied , I knew I was overthinking it for no reason. I knew he would be excited.

"Are you sure?" I replied , I was still in shock about it all and couldn't wrap my head around the fact that in six months I'd be a mother. And mark a father. A tie that would bond us forever , a 18 year long commitment

"Blair this is good news. We're in this together right. Whatever you choose I'll be there" he smiled obviously still processing his happiness. "I want to keep it" I squeezed his hand. My response probably made him even happier because I think I saw him wipe tears away from his eye.

"I promise I'll be there , every appointment , baby shopping and everything. You can count on me" mark was still grinning. "Okay great. Looks like we're doing this together" I smiled , getting emotional at the thought of everything.

"How do we tell addie? I want to tell her if it's okay with you" I looked at him for confirmation and he nodded. "Okay I'll tell her tonight"

"Blair before you go" mark started "I need to tell you something. And I don't want you to think I'm just saying this because your pregnant , it's not. I've been in love with you since the day I met you and I can't imagine spending another day apart. So will you move in with me?" He rambled off , honestly I wasn't expecting it , a lot of good news in one day.

"Yes I will. It makes sense" I replied before we got interrupted by a pager going off "duty calls" I said as I got up mark stopped before I unlocked the door "be careful ok?" I nodded and went to where I was needed.


The page wasn't even emergent , the page was coming from A nurses station on the ground floor. I wasn't expecting to see Arizona there because she should still be in Africa but here she was.

"Blair. Can we talk? Please?" Arizona pleaded as I began to turn in the other direction. I didn't listen and kept on walking , she followed after me.

"Blair it was selfish of me to ask you to move or stay , I realise that now. I also realise I was miserable without you. I still love you. Can we give things another chance?" I was cornered now as I waited for the elevator. Luckily when it opened it was empty.

"I'm pregnant with marks baby and I'm keeping it" I spoke once the elevator doors shut on the pair of us. Leaning against the wall I looked at her shocked expression and realised I wasn't as upset about her finding out as I thought I would be.

"You're what?" She laughed as if my words didn't register with her. "I'm pregnant , with mark sloans baby. And I'm keeping it" I repeated slowly so she could take it in. The elevator doors opened and I left a dumbfounded Arizona in the elevator.

I didn't feel bad she found out this way, I actually felt better that it was out in the open. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

Authors note

Ahhh exciting things. I usually cringe at pregnancy plots but considering it happened in greys it feels different to include it yk? But anyways we have 3/4 chapters left I think. Who do you want for the endgame? I have it in mind but want to see what you guys think


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