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My love

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My love

My love
Hey love , we really need
To talk

Is everything ok?
What's up love

My love
Yeah everything's great.
I've been chosen for a
Programme in Africa!
I'd be helping sick children , so I'd
Stay there for a year and help them all
Get better , giving them lifesaving surgeries
And medical care.

Oh my god that's amazing!
I'm so proud of you.
So you'd stay there for the year then come
Back here?
Or what's the situation with that

My love
The chief has spoke to the
Programme director and if
The first year go well they want me to revisit every year to do follow ups on the children

That's amazing. Not to be
Selfish and bring this back around
To be about me. But what would happen with us? Long distance? I come with you

My love
It's up to you love , you could come and help or we could give long distance a go.

We've only been dating for 5 months and you want to try long distance?

My love
Yes blair , I love you and I think we can make this work. If you don't want to do long distance there's a space on the programme for you.

So my choices are to uproot my whole life and come live in Africa for a year or to stay here and be miserable. What great choices.

My love
You don't mean it like that.
This is a great opportunity before your medical boards. We'd be back in time for you to take them too.

I need to think about it. What you're asking
For is a life changing commitment

My love
Take your time love
Read 5:30pm



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