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Laying next to mark In the on call room made me think , what would happen if we stopped hooking up .

would he go back to abusing his looks and sleeping with the other half of the hospital he hasn't slept with yet?


Would he just leave it and become a changed man.

HA. Yeah definitely not the second one but one can wish. The Agreement with mark started after him and Addie broke up for good , addie didn't mind because she had moved to LA for a while and was 'over' him as she claimed and he the same. No one quite bothered with mark and I's relationship we weren't bothering anyone , if anything everyone was thankful that the nurses had stopped going on strike thanks to mark.

So yeah I guess me sleeping with mark restored the peace in the hospital in a sense. No one bothered me and no one bothers him.

That was until Arizona entered the equation , yeah it was a meaningless hookup as I keep telling myself, but what if she tries to pursue me? Or me her? It would just complicate things too much and I haven't thought this far into the whole mark agreement but that's a problem for the future.

"Mine or yours?" Mark asked as a pager started buzzing " let me check" I sat up and grabbed our scrub bottoms off the floor "yours" I said as I handed him his bottoms. "Looks like you've actually got to work today. Bummer" I joked as I began putting my clothes back on "yeah what ever will I do" he replied.

"See you later marky" I began tying my shoes as he already left , I took my time since I hadn't been paged. I fixed my hair before exiting the on call room and going back to the peds floor to do more charting

I didn't mind doing scut as it was better than having a dying person , I know most peoples views are that scut is boring and you only get given scut when you've done something wrong but it's actually relaxing to be organising the charts and just making sure it's presentable.

Some people assume that nurses can magically read the ugly writing people leave on charts but I prefer to make sure that it's legible and easily red from a glance , it makes everyone's life better if charts as easily read and not have to be decoded like it's top secret information.


I sat back down in the same position I was in before mark came , picking up the chart I was writing it and made sure I finished it before moving on , my shift had 3 hours left so I knew I'd have the time to complete this pile and then go home , as I said simple day bar that one patient.

"Blair" Arizona spoke , I turned around and saw her standing there "yeah Is everything ok?" I replied , she nodded and took a seat. "My intention isn't to make things awkward but we need to atleast acknowledge last night" she looked at me waiting for an answer "no yeah I agree , it was a one off we were both drunk I understand" I replied trying my best to keep everything not- awkward.

"Yeah exactly I'm not looking for anything at the minute and we were both drunk and it just happened. You did good work today" she then got up and left. Not the way I expected it to go but it could've been worse.

After that conversation it was now officially time for me to leave yay. I went to the locker room and got changed into my casual clothes , grabbing my things out my locker and putting my bag on my shoulder.


Since mark gave me a ride to the hospital I had to wait for addie to take me to our apartment. Luckily she was just making her way to her car "Satan! Can I have a ride?" I caught up to her and smiled "yeah I was just away to go home anyways" I nodded and got in her car

"Thanks addie. How was your day?" I asked her as she pulled out the parking lot "yeah it was good , delivered 3 babies and had 1 surgery, yours?" She asked whilst driving us home "yeah it was good had to round on post ops , one patient almost died but other than that I spent time charting for the rest of the day so it was easy" I missed out the detail about mark because Addie doesn't need to know about how many times mark and I hook up in a day , if I had to tell her every time I had slept with him we would be there for days.

"Thanks for the ride home. I'll get groceries tomorrow after work ok? Just let me know what you need and I'll pick it up" I said as I got out the car "will do" Addison replied.

At home we just both went to our rooms. After work we don't really speak until we're ready and destressed from the days toll. I took my clothes off and put them in the laundry basket. I changed into some swears and a tank top and clipped my hair back out my face just deciding to relax for the rest of the night

Authors note

Previous readers who were here before the re-edit and re-publish , what are you guys thinking? Do you prefer it so far? I honestly didn't have a plan but looking back on it I didn't even make sure it was a consistent plot and hated it. This story is gonna be on the shorter side , coming in at 13 chapters and they will be under 1k give or take a few hundred words so expect time skips!!!


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