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"Blair you're almost 10 minutes late" Addison called over to me as I quickly threw my things in my locker and got my labcoat on , I quickly changed into my scrubs in marks car , we had emergency bags in eachothers cars because of reasons like this , I haven't needed to use mine until now but mark has plenty of times.

"Sorry addie I ended up staying out and mark had to come get me" I replied , it was true I don't even know what time I went home to arizonas but I'm here now atleast. Addison worries more than she should but she's just being a protective roommate I appreciate it.

"Just tell me next time if you're not coming home ok? I was worried for you" she placed her arm around me as we walked out onto the surgical floor "I'm sorry I know I usually do text , I just forgot I'll remember next time" we stopped at the nurses station "so who am I with today?" I looked at Addison , now standing in front of eachother as she scanned the floor for someone.

"You're with robins on peds. I'm sure you remember her from your last rotation?" Oh yeah definitely from my last rotation and not from the night we spent last night. It's fine , we can both remain professional no? I know I can hopefully she can too and we can talk about this later when we're alone and not at work to complicate things and that way we can both focus on our patient before diving into the messy stuff.

"Yep I know who she is. I'll see you for lunch?" She nodded and I began walking away from Addison and towards the elevator. The peds floor wasn't that far from my locker room so it was easy enough to find where I needed to be. "Dr robbins , I'm your intern for the day" I smiled softly not knowing what her thoughts were on last night , if she even remembered bringing me home.

"Ah yes dr matthews , we don't have any urgent cases so if you could just round on my post- ops for me and make sure everyone has everything they need" she smiled before walking off in the other direction. I headed toward the post- op wing , grabbing the first chart I went into the patients room and checked up on them asking them if they needed anything and then did the same with the other patients

By the time I went through the post ops it was lunchtime , I made my way to the cafeteria and saw Addie sitting at a table. I waved before walking to the carts with the food , I just got two slices of pizza and a drink , I payed and then went and sat next to Addie.

"Hey Satan, how's your day been?" I joked as I began eating. She laughed at the nickname before deciding to think of a reply "I don't know blondie how's yours? Mark filled me in on your extracurriculars" she smirked and my cheeks became red "now I know why you didn't answer last night"

"Mark can't talk about my extracurriculars considering his includes half this hospital , it happened once and probably won't happen again ok? It was just a drunken mistake , one that I'm happy about but that's it" I sighed as I drank some of my water

"Don't be so pessimistic you never know what's going to happen ok? Who knows maybe she likes you too and you both will be together before you know it" she smiled , she was such a hopeless romantic.

"Yes but I'm a intern still , I can't even imagine why she'd want to date an intern when there's so many hot doctors here that she can date that aren't an intern" I rambled

"Well whatever way this turns out I'm happy for you , you deserve some happiness and this means you can stop sleeping with mark, it's simple honestly" she replied , she was true me and mark have a friends with benefits understanding at the minute , it stops him making nurses go on strike and it's a great stress reliever , and mark is amazing in bed so it's a win win for everyone

"Look I'm not getting my hopes up but I wouldn't be opposed to anything happening , and you know how addicting he is" I replied with a smirk , finishing my food just in time for my pager to go off. "I'll see you at home monty" I had a cheeky smile on my face as I took my things from lunch and binned them.

I made my way to the peds wing as soon as I could , it was a 911 so I took the stairs instead of waiting on the elevator because they take forever, one of Arizonas post- ops were crashing and it was my job to make sure they didn't die.

"Ok get me up to speed" I spoke out to the room as I made my way over to the bed "started crashing a minute ago , we've administered a round of Epi and continuing chest compressions. Patient has stayed in v-tach" I nodded before taking over for the nurse doing the compressions

"Ok let's push another round of epi and get me the paddles, charge to 200!" I spoke with urgency but made sure to keep my voice level you never want to piss off a nurse. "Thank you" I was handed the paddles and placed them on the patients chest

"Charged" a nurse spoke "clear!" I shouted before the patient was shocked , luckily the heart monitor slowed down to a regular beat instead of the continuous beep. Just as we were clearing up Arizona walked in "what happened?" She asked looking at me for answers

"Patient crashed , I got here asap and we brought him back he's doing fine now but we're going to closely monitor him for the next few hours. He got two rounds of acls drugs and was shocked once" I grabbed the chart from the bottom of the bed and started writing down everything that happened.

"Thank you , I'm glad it's not a clueless one on peds today. That could've ended differently , well done Mathews" she nodded before going off again To check on other patients, the day was proving to be easy apart from that one complication.

I went to the nurses station and sat down by one of the desks deciding to fill the rest of my shift with charting making sure everything was up to date and correct for the night shift. "Hey b, you busy?" I looked up to see mark standing at the nurses station. "Hm not at this second. Why what'd you need?" I stopped writing in the chart and put it back 90% sure I know what he was gonna ask.

"I got paged 101" he replied , ah yes our little secret code for when we wanted to go hook up in the on call rooms. How romantic. "Oh yeah sure" I stood up and told one of the nurses to page me if anything changed with any of the patients.

Mark and I walked down the hallway until we found the closest unoccupied on call room. We locked the door and began undressing eachother.

Authors note

So this is the second chapter of love game!! If you can't tell by the title it's related to the gaga song "love game" which is the premise for this book.

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Love game Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant