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I woke up with a pounding in my head. small drinks with friends my ass. i squinted my eyes taking in the light from the room , then the realisation hit me , this isn't my room. How the hell did i end up here and who's room even is this. I slowly turned my head to see who was in the bed with me. My eyes widened as I saw Arizona Robins sound asleep.

Yeah I did crush on Arizona but never acted on it but drunk me sure did or maybe Arizona made the first move , last nights still blurry, all I remember is going out with work friends and now I'm here. In dr robins' bed. She looked so peaceful as she slept but I turned away again realising how creepy it is to be staring at her in her sleep , I'm just in shock that I'm actually here.

I got up and threw my clothes back on from last night , trying my hardest to be quiet to not wake her up. I grabbed my purse and made a quick getaway from the house, closing the front door behind me I pulled my phone out and called mark. "Can you come get me? I don't have my car and I don't know where I am if I'm being honest"

"What do you mean you don't know? Why aren't you at your house blair" mark replied over the phone "so I sorta maybe ended up in someone's bed last night and that someone may or may not work with us" I explained. "Okay just send me your location and I'll come get you , but you're explaining everything when we're in the car" he ended the call.

I sent him my location on texts and I'm around ten minutes he was here, I got in the passenger seat and smiled at him "thanks mark you're a life saver" he nodded and began to drive towards my apartment. "Isn't this a change , me picking you up from a one night stand" he snickered

"Mark shut up! I don't even know what happened last night we probably didn't even sleep together but I wouldn't be mad if we did. It's Arizona for gods sake she's so gorgeous" oh no. I told him who it was. He's never going to let this go. Stupid word vomit.

"Robins huh? You kept that one under wraps for long" he replied sarcastically "you have had a crush on her for ages. Now maybe it'll finally leave your system and I won't need to hear about it anymore"

"Says mark Sloan the manwhore of the hospital, this is my second work related hookup unlike you" I snapped back. I enjoyed the banter we shared together it came easy and helped that I got to make fun of him doing it.

"Okay okay I get where you're coming from but it doesn't matter if she's from work or not it'll all be fine" mark further tried to comfort me , I knew it wouldn't end badly because we were both aware of what we were getting into I just didn't expect to wake up to her you know?

Authors note

Just a small introductory chapter for you all


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