338 15 4

(206) 5571 8912
Hey Blair? I got
Your number from

Hey who's this?

(206) 5571 8912
Oh yeah my bad it's Arizona

Hey what's up?

(206) 5571 8912
Did you cheat on mark
with me?

God no , mark and I
We're just friends
If I was in a relationship
I wouldn't of slept with you

(206) 5572 8912
I don't want any unnecessary
Drama , I know what happened
Last time there was cheating in
The hospital
Thank you for telling me

Yeah mark was just
my ride home and I
Needed groceries so we
Went , but I promise there's
Nothing going on between
mark and I

(206) 5572 8912
Good so I won't feel bad
For what I'm away to ask you
Do you want to grab dinner one night?
I know work can be hectic but we can
Find a day that works for the both of us.
If that's something you want to do

Oh wow I didn't expect to hear from
You again if I'm being honest. But yeah
Dinner sounds great. I have all 6pm finishes This week so just
Whenever your free

(206) 5572 8912
Great, I'll see you Friday
I'll pick you up at 8pm

See you then :)


"Addison?" I called out into the living room seeing her sitting with a mug of coffee "did you give Arizona my number?" I sat down across from her on the sofa

"Yeah I did why did she text you?" Addison asked hopefully. "Yeah she did. She thought mark and I were dating" I laughed "which is weird right? But anyways we have a date" I smiled

"You and mark dating? Not impossible it could be believable" she replied taking a sip from her mug. "What's that supposed to mean?" I furrowed my brows. "All I'm saying is , you and mark sneaking around the hospital and acting domesticated gives off the dating vibe , so yeah I don't think she's far off" Addison retorted.

"Whatever I'm going to be late for work , mark and I just hook up , nothing more nothing less. I'm just there whenever he needs me and I'm there for him , we have a mutual understanding" I muttered before going to my room and getting ready for work.


Today I was covering the pit with Meredith , I handled the charts whilst also seeing to a few patients , the pit was half full so it was easy enough to handle with me and mer. Meredith was the type of person everyone envied but after they got to know her they realised her life wasn't all that great.

With all the problems with her mother , and then her father her life isn't that idolised anymore. People just wanted to be her because the royalties her last name brings. Meredith and I had an understanding , we weren't best friends but we understood eachother.

"Blair I'm heading up to ct with this patient just page me if anything big comes up" Meredith informed me before helping wheel the patient away.

Overseeing the pit by myself was okay , I didn't need to page Meredith because mark came down for some reason , maybe he just wanted to see if any interesting traumas came in. "Mark" I waved my hand in front of his face "earth to Sloan anyone in there?" I raised my brow when he finally zoned back in.

"I was telling you something and you just spaced out, everything ok?" I asked again "yeah everything's fine , what were you saying?" He looked at me to try and show her was giving me his full attention. "Addison is playing matchmaker and now I have a date with robins on Friday"

"Oh that's great I'm happy for you" he replied before walking off , leaving me standing there. Have I done something to upset him? Why is he being like this. Men. They never make sense. But the same can be said for women. Everyone's confusing.

Deciding to ignore mark I just went over to check on the patients , making sure they were heading to the right department, last time we had a patient mixup the wrong patient almost got cut open. So it would be great if that didn't happen the one time I get to cover the pit.

Meredith came back after an hour , I told her I was going to get my lunch and that she should page me if anything , she said it was fine and she could handle it. I believed her so went to the cafeteria.


For lunch I decided on a sandwich, soemthing quick and easy so I could get back to the pit , instead of eating it in the cafeteria I just ate it on my way back down to the pit , I took the stairs so I'd have enough time to eat.

I got back to the pit just in time as I walked through the double doors I saw a trauma being wheeled through the doors. I rushed over to help whilst Meredith took the other patient. "Okay what do we have" I looked at the ent as we got into the trauma room , I put on a town and gloves whilst listening to the paramedic.

"Okay thank you, right legs page neuro and general" I began examining the patients abdomen trying to see if he had any tender points. I then took an ultrasound just as Bailey walked in "what do we got" she asked as she got downed and gloved.

"Restrained driver,36 suspected head injury and confirmed abdominal bleeding , needs a ct before we can take him to surgery and we need shepherd to consult" I reiterated all the information I had gathered in the last five minutes.

"Okay let's go , we can't waste any time if it's a suspected head trauma" shepherd spoke as soon as he entered the room , we all made quick work of going to ct and then to the or.

The surgery was easy , I assisted Bailey and then helped her close , once she was finished she left the OR but I wanted to make sure the patient made it to recovery okay.

After that I headed home , I came to work myself so I didn't need to wait on anyone to take me home. Today was a good day, I assisted on a surgery and nobody died.

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