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After you arrived in Liyue you were brought to a hotel. From the outside it seemed like a typical building for visitors... but from the inside it was filled with Fatui agents preparing something.

A beautiful spiral staircase lead you upwards. On each side of the beginning of the staircase you saw two huge pots filled with red roses. In general no one would complain about the look since almost everything looked fancy.

This hotel was ready to welcome the auction guests offering them first class service... for your surprise the millelith was present as well..

The guardians were standing next to a huge door protecting the thing behind this door. So lady Ningguang had rats inside her system. How couldn't she notice that?

Well... but that explained why the Fatui could organize so many auctions without having problems with the authorities of Liyue.

"What are you staring at?" Scaramouche grabbed your hand and pulled you upstairs.

"What is the millelith doing here?"

"Oh, I told you that you will never know who has blood on their hands." He giggled. "You see me as an enemy meanwhile not being aware who the true one is."

In a way he was right but a sane person wouldn't do the crimes he did nor support them.

"Where are we going then?" You asked him confused since the huge door was obviously the entrance to the auction hall but he pulled you upstairs. "We have a special place above the guests. Why should a Harbinger spend his time among nobodies?"

Before you two entered the auction he gave you lots of warnings and things not to do. For you they were pretty unnecessary since you never planned to do something stupid at a S L A V E  auction.

The room reminded you of an opera building with different floors. On the second floor small balconies gave the rich once's space...

And there you saw them.. lady Ningguang and your parents chatting and laughing in one of the balconies. You digged your nails into Scaramouches skin... pulling yourself closer.

He seemed confused du to your action.

"So you think I can confort you... how cute. Tell me what did you saw that you started to shake and sweat so much? The auction haven't even started yet." His voice sounded ironic.

He looked around trying to notice something strange. His eyes fixated on Ningguang.

"The leader of Liyue? Are you surprised to see her here?"

Your throat was so dry that you couldn't squeeze out a single word.

"I told you that you will never know who has blood on their hands." He twitched his shoulders.

"She is one of the biggest sponsors and supporters of this project... She helps the Fatui to get humans and ship them without exposing herself. She gets a part of the money so our deal is sealed. I mean everyone... especially every mortal being craves money and the greed grows with the power and financial income of a person. Why shouldn't she be interested in pocket money since the small things push the business." He chuckled.

"Just look how bloodthirsty she looks-"

"You are a liar. I don't believe you." You squeezed his arm even more. "There must be another reason behind this."

He shamelessly used your emotional trauma to test your limits and to traumatize you even more.

He eyed your hurt, confused... pained expression. "What if we simply pay her a small visit and you ask your lovely leader this questions. The auction starts in a hour." He tried to pull you out of the balcony... however you decided to sink to the floor and to pull him to the ground.

For your surprise you succeeded making the Harbinger loose his balance and sink next to you to the ground. He grabbed your face roughly.. staring into your eyes. "With this action you just encouraged me to drag you over."

You tried to say something but he placed a finger on your lips. "Don't make your situation worse than it already is."

You knew lady Ningguang and you always thought that she would be the person who would take care of you and speak up to your parents... how wrong of you to think that she truly was the kind person she seemed to be on the outside.

Seeing her next to your parents was more than enough to trigger something inside you... something you pushed away for years.

Maybe you should have kept your mouth shut..

Before you could react Scaramouche placed his arm under your knees.. behind your back and stood up. He carried you in his arms to the bathroom.

"You destroyed our look with your stupid action." Single strands of hair fell on his eyes... whatever possessed you in this moment but you stroked them to the sides of his face.

"I'm sorry. I just.." Was that blush on his face?

He placed you to the ground looking inside the mirror.

"Can we please not go..." you whispered.

"Shut up."

You didn't want to see your parents while you are the company of a Harbinger. In general... you didn't want to see your birth givers. They brought great injustice over you... made your life a hell and never missed a chance to insult you....

... you never got ride of that life actually. Mental and physical pain continued till now...

"Do you know the two persons next to Ningguang?" This question felt like a gun shot. You had two opinions... lie or say the truth. What if he already knew who they were and just tested your reply. There was no wrong or right answer.

If you would confess and say that they were your parents he would for sure do some sick shit and use the information against you... but if you lie and your lie dies as soon as you meet them he would use this as an excuse to find a punishment and use the information once again against you.

"What are you thinking about this long. You are from Liyue and should know this two persons."

"I do." You finally decided to speak. "I know them better than anyone else."

Scaramouche raised a brow. "They are my parents."

"OH HOW GREAT." He lightly hit your back pushing you forwards. "Family reunion." He laughed.

Whatever he planned to do it wasn't with pure intentions and would cause chaos.

Two millelith guards were standing in-front of the door that would reunite you with lady Ningguang and your parents.

As soon as they saw Scaramouche they welcomed him. "Give us a second so we can inform Lady Ningguang that you want to pay her a visit.

The guards didn't let you in. Instead Lady Ningguang stepped out holding her smoking pipe. Her expression wasn't happy anymore.. she seemed mad at something and this something was the Fatuis work.

She was taller than Scaramouche even without her heals she would look down on him.

"Balladeer, what was your 11th Fatui Harbinger thinking when he summoned the ancient god. It almost destroyed Liyue." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. She was ignoring you just focused on staring at Scaramouche.

"My apologies." Scaramouche answered. "But I can't do anything against Tartaglias stupid actions."

"If I see him once again in Liyue, I will-." She looked over noticing who you actually were.


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