Missed me?

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You were nervous. How would you be calm if Kazuha disappeared for hours. Several times different Fatui agents tried to chat with you as well as the ones you have stolen the clothes from. The whole camp was laughing while this two tried to hide certain body parts.

Well, two hands weren't enough to hide everything and after this walk of shame they rather quit their job than continue working here.

No one tried to figure out why their clothes are gone. What if this was an everyday situation, agents loosing their clothes to entertain the others.

Every time when someone tried to force you to rest you replied that "Lord Scaramouche" will kill you if you leave the entrance. This simple words scared everyone away and you could wait peacefully.

What if you enter and look for Kazuha on your own? Would you be helpful and could they get away as fast as if they were without you? You thought getting inside was the worst thing you could do, but no, it was waiting unknowing if Kazuha is alive or dead.

Even prayers wouldn't help in such a god damned place.

Suddenly you heard some footsteps behind the huge door... or was it your brain fooling you? Ironically this time it wasn't an illusion, seconds later the door got brutally opened.

You had to force yourself not to close your eyes and to continue staying calm.

What a realive it was Kazuha stepping out...

but... he was alone.

"KAZUHA ARE YOU FINE?" You shouted ignoring the confused glances of your surrounding. As soon as he noticed you he walked over to you and hugged you extremely tight.

"I'm fine, but..." he replied cutting of his sentence.

You looked up. The delusion factory wasn't closed yet and there was a reason for that. A familiar situation appeared in front of your eyes. The thin, indigo haired Harbinger was standing inside the doorframe holding a blond girl.

"Kazuha..." His grip got stronger. "KAZUHA DON'T PLAY SUCH GAMES WITH ME, LET. ME. GO." You screamed in fear knowing damn well where this shit was going.

"I'm sorry, [y/n]" Kazuha whispered grabbing you harsh and turning you around.

"Our deal is done, I got the girl you were looking for and as an exchange you promised me to give my friend back." Kazuha stared over to Lumine who seemed passed out.

Did he used me as if I was a gift.. as if I was a part of someone's collection.. ones again you were betrayed. It always ended like this.. as soon as you trusted someone they backstabbed you without any hesitations. You thought Kazuha would be different?


As long as a person has someone they are afraid to lose, someone they would die for, you would be worthless and meaningless to them. This situation just proofed your point. He would do ANYTHING for his dear friend Lumine. No matter if after such deals his hands will be covered in blood.

Oh how you wanted to scream, but the realization and shock overwhelmed you. The only thing you could do was standing in silence and watching how your live went into someone's hands.

"I'm a man of honor and always keep my word." Scaramouche laughed throwing the blond girl on the ground. "But if I see one of you again, I won't talk much and kill you. Leave as long as you have the opportunity, who knows if I change my mind." He stepped over Lumine and grabbed you.

His hands felt like electricity hitting your body. Like a disease infecting you.

You continued staring at Lumine who was picked up by Kazuha. A breeze and they were gone. They were gone with all your hopes and wishes for a better life. The only thing that was left... was accepting Scaramouches offer and basically turning into his personal slave.

Or after that whole thing.. have he changed his mind and will he finally release you from this world?

"Are you going to kill me now?" You asked very quit.

"Don't be dumb, why should I kill you for having fun on your own." He replied grabbing you kin.

"Are you joking?" Your words were muffed by your squeezed cheeks.

A sadist laugh left scaramouches lips. "Of corse I am, but I am ready to forgive you this time. Today I decided to be extremely nice." He placed his second arm on your neck.

"You remember my offer, don't you? Ready to answer this time?" He looked into your eyes, for a second he thought that he could see the universe inside them.

"Will you obey me now?"

You stayed quiet staring back. This time he didn't wait. He roughly shook your head almost demolishing it. You agreed without agreeing.

"Already being so obedient. How sweet."

You gave up. Internal and physical. What if this was your purpose of living? Getting kidnapped and then forced into a relationship, or how to call that. If the universe wanted you to leave it would have send you chances, chances that wouldn't end in this man's hands. Chances that would give you freedom.

Since you were born you already were cursed, the curse of a vision less person.

You started to cry. This was the last way you could express your feelings. Feelings that were realized from your prison. Feelings you thought you had cut out of your live but this feelings never left and now won't leave for ever.

"Why are you crying, do you need a hug?" Scaramouche asked you mockingly. The only thing you wanted to do was to wipe of your tears. You were old enough to control your emotions but your body betrayed you.

"Why aren't you replying, am I that ugly that you would rather die than being touched by me? Every other girl would be honored if a wealthy and good looking man would give them what I offered you."

He exactly knew his words were lies, such a narcissistic person like him wasn't able to think that he is ugly.

And he wasn't ugly at all but his inside was rotten to the last blooddrop.

You felt a cold arm around your waist... He pulled you into his embrace, his torso was surprisingly warm.

"Shh, shhh you will get used to this." He stroke threw your hair holding you tight at the same time.

Why ever he was doing this. You couldn't explain his behavior and there was no need to. He was making fun of you and humiliating you. A person who did cruel things to you in the past couldn't give you comfort, he was stepping over your personal boundaries, this was the humiliation he did right now. The humiliations that will follow you till your last breath.

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