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He actually decided to put his work aside.

You fell deep into this organization and weren't even sure if you wanted to meet another Harbinger, furthermore you noticed the ones you met were men. Sexism isn't new here but did they assume all women were weak? Even if their leader was female...

He returned with a purple piece of clothing handing it over. It turned out to be a dress, pretty casual but at the same time expensive, like the ones you used to wear to family gatherings and political visits. You put it on in the bedroom. There was not a single mirror on the wall so you couldn't exactly see how it looked like on you.

You flinched by the sudden appearance of the Harbinger. Seemed that he was skilled in appearing quietly behind you.

He gently stroked your hair to the side. Something shiny appeared in his hands. Soon enough this shiny something was around your neck. It was a necklaces decorated with different jewels.

He placed a kiss on your neck leaving you in trance and shock. Goosebumps started to run down your spine. So gentle and careful.. he treated you as if you were fragile in this moment.

"Why are you acting so gentle as if you aren't cruel and-" a sigh left your lips. You felt a sharp pain on your neck. Did he just bit you?

"Is this the treatment you like? I don't mind giving you it." He replied touching the bit mark. That wasn't exactly what you wanted. You preferred to die right now, to leave this fucked up world.

"Do you offer deadly treatment?" You asked him hoping for an answer that would satisfy your need. "I don't like repeating myself, where's the fun in ending the life of someone who carves that."

You two left with the nightfall. The weather was cool and windy but it didn't seem to bother Scaramouche, you on the other hand were freezing in this thin dress. Whether he did it on purpose or simply gave a fuck about your discomfort.

The place you met the other Harbinger supposed to be the same building in which you saw Dottore the first time.

A tall blond woman was standing in front of the entrance, as soon as she whiteness you she entered the house. Was she another agent or servant of the Harbinger?

Minutes later Scaramouche pushed you through the entrance to avoid your slow movements. This time a long table was standing in the middle of the room. Around the table three sets. One set was taken by the tall woman from the entrance. She was dressed like a foreigner, casually but at the same time overdressed. So she was the other Harbinger.

"Welcome, Balladeer" she started the conversation pointing at the two empty sets.

"Signora." Scaramouche replied. He stretched out his hand to greet her probably but all she did was raising her eyebrow and shaking her head.

You couldn't tell if Scaramouche was disappointed or hurt by her gesture.. however.. he pulled his hand away with his usual fake smile

"Then shall we start our evening? What have brought you from Snezhnaya to Inazuma?" He started at her with hopes to hear something descent. Something that was worth it leaving his house. He knew that 50% of her visits were nonsenses and just for the purpose of a deal or how she woul call it: dinner with friends.

Scaramouche wasn't dumb, he knew why she did that. He was aware that she was scared of him and even if he was hated by his colleges, he was ranked higher than her among the Harbingers.

"Just a dinner with my old friend and college." She replied. "I would like to recommend you todays menu. It is my personal choice." The whole time she ignored you not even paining attention.

The dinner was served, you three were sitting around the long table. Scaramouche at one side and signora at the other. You in the middle of both. Signora grabbed her chopsticks finally looking at you.

"I see you have a new company Balladeer. What happened to the other one?" Signora asked eying you.

"Not more not less, she got boring so I murdered her."Scaramouche replied cold.

Signora laughted. "Don't say such stuff, you will scare your new one away."

"Not that she even has a choice at this point. Be it as it may I can't scare her with that. The thing that annoys me the most is that she wants to die. Well, at least i don't see a wish to live. I never saw a person before who was as careless about her life as y/n."

"Oh is that so.. what if she will get boring too? What will you do to this toy?" Signora asked with a smirk on her face. She was pretty no doubt, skilled with her keen words and representative with her body language.

"I'd sell her as a slave". He looked at you noticing your face expression. "A sexslave. If she doesn't care about her life okay, but where is the fun in that. I would want to make her life hell and no one wants to end up like this."

You had enough. Anger overcame you so you stood up.

"Sit down!? Who gave you the permission to stand up and leave?" He hissed.

You slowly sat back down thinking what consequences might face you.

"Girl it isn't polite to leave the table when not everyone finished. Don't you know simple banquet manners?" Signora told you.  Both Harbingers looked at you. By now you made sure that she isn't much better than Scaramouche. Both had the same cold glance.

"The electro gnosis." She suddenly mentioned. "I will get it."

"Have fun. I bet it won't be a huge deal for the crimson witch." It was a setup he was fully aware that the gnosis was in his hands. "Don't worry, no one is an opponent for me." She replied confident.

After they finished their food both started to smoke a traditional kiseru (Japanese smoking pipe). The only thing you gained out of this was discomfort.

"I love to spend time with you, looking forward to see you next time." Signora said.

"See you in hell." Scaramouche replied. She laughed his goodbye words off and disappeared.

"And for us, we are already out so what if...."

Today the Arataki Gang planned a festival among the streets of Ritou. They were aware that it was forbidden to celebrate without a permission.. still the leader Itto thought it was stunning to go against rules. To assure the safety of the visitors he made the rule of a masquerade ball, hide your face behind a mask and run as soon as the commission arrives.

It was risky for you to attempt such festivals including the fact that Kujou Sara could appear. Both Itto (his gang) and Sara were empty names for you. You weren't aware of the authorities and gangs in Inazuma. Scaramouche was.

Attempting the festival wasn't his best idea because the Tenryou commission knew him way to good. Almost every "unknown" slaughter was the Fatuis doing. Officially the Tenryou Commission labeled this murders as an accident or suicide but deep down the anger of Sara grew.

Eternity this eternity that.. she wasn't able to clean her homeland from mould which was eating the peace from inside.

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