Chapter 38: Betrayal By The Blaze

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Seraphina's POV, Wellston City Library:

What could this mean? Why is this even here?

There was very little amount of people here today, it was nice and quiet so it made it easier for me to browse.

I was originally looking for some books to help my study course when I found a rather strange book.

I looked at the cover closely and saw an emblem of a Phoenix on it and the book was titled "The Rebirth of Fiery Legend, How A Scientist Of Ember Returned For The Better"

Why would he be for the better? Obviously this is just propaganda.

I did however decide to pick up, I wanted to give it a read so I could get a better understanding of his motives.

When I finished browsing and went to check out the books to borrow I noticed a stranger following me, he seemed like a typical young adult but I tried not to be rude and keep looking over my shoulder.

However it is when I left the library, that is when I really noticed this fucker following me.

I was worn out from the other day so I didn't use my ability to get home, in fact I decided to watch this guy why he is following me.

There is a certain part of the city that was very vacant, this was the perfect place to draw this guy in.

I stopped and I knew the guy was still catching up to me and immediately I turned around and froze him on the spot.

"Hey, you! Why are you following me!?" I demanded. "I already know my ability is special so speak up!"

The guy stuttered "I'm just a low tier! Please don't hurt me, I was paid to do this!" The guy got frightened by my attack.

Not long after, two adolescents appeared out of nowhere ( probably some dumb new technology).


"We have a special request by Infinite himself." Jack said in an alpha male tone.

"We demand that you tell us the location of John." Sanderson added.

"I'm not telling you! Besides Em already had already had him knocked out cold and hid him!" I said back.

"You do realize I also have Energy Manipulation right?" Sanderson walked infant of me and glared at me.

"I also know your ability is unstable, falling apart and doesn't have half the ability of the original." I smiled at him sarcastically. "And you Jack, I'm stronger than you."

"Not against two." Jack replied. "Just hand us John OR we will kill you or have you end up like Fiora."

"Honestly that's really mean what you two did, you very much hurt him." 

"Anything to kill him from the inside, besides she makes a nice hoe!" Sanderson laughed.

You inhumane brats. Sanderson is just a fake human but Jack? What a fucking ass.

"I thought Infinite promised to stay away from us?" I asked. "So why are you two here?"

"Pfft you'd really trust a head lead of a elitist group? I guess you didn't learn from Ember and Darklord." Jack smirked. "Now, where is John!?"

Shit, I have to tell the others about this! But what do I do now?!

"How about......." I thought for a minute.

"I could use another pretty hoe like you." Sanderson said.


That pissed Jack off "You stupid bitch I'll-"

I froze him on the spot.

"Even in Angelic form you can't escape time, you're too slow AND weaker." I said.

I glanced over at Sanderson and froze him too. "Think next time boys."

"Ha, I always do."

Sanderson broke free with his energy-speed and slashed at me with an energy blade.

I clenched my wound and rewinded it and kept on going. "I can heal dumbasss unlike you!"

"Who is the real dumbass?" Sanderson glared and then laughed.

A bright glowing scepter hit me with an overwhelming amount of power and infused with too much power than my body could take.

"Enjoying the Divine Shock Special?" Jack smiled in his Angelic form.

I froze time once again but I put more effort, allowing me to escape Jack's stupid scepter and with time on my side I punched Jack in his face, causing a harsh wound and his face was overwhelming covered in blood.

With the same time speed, I noticed Sanderson was about to escape again but before I could I hit his precious parts with harsh force.

I unfroze time and Jack fell to the ground crying in so much pain, he could die of blood lost any second now.

Sanderson cried as well in pain and I actually saw his parts actually bleeding.

"Stupid boys, think you're SO superior huh? With an unstable ability and a weaker one, pfft."

Sanderson looked at me with such rage. "It's a shame that Infinite didn't make me a hermaphrodite but I will fucking kill you even with a bleeding private!" he entrapped me in several energy vines and they started to hurt me, they punctured me and started to make me weak.

"I can't drain wirelessly like he can but I can resort to other methods." 

My body was in a lot of pain and for some reason I couldn't activate my ability.

"My energy ropes are just tight enough to actually damage the organs for ability use." Sanderson smiled.

"Now how do you want this? Death, Rape or Brainwashing like Fiora?" Sanderson walked up to me and asked me.

How did I end up like this?! I was supposed to be a normal teem, not wound up in all this!

"I DON'T WANT ANY OF IT!!" I yelled.

"Well option two allows you to still go home and live." Sanderson pointed out. "If I were you and I wanted to go home then I would choose that."

"What is wrong with you and sexual assault?!" I barked. "You already attempted on Fiora!"

"I already do it nightly with her." He smiled.

Oh no, I better not tell him this.

"Well Hoe-san, I'm sure you do." I poked fun of him.

"Hmph, won't be laughing once I'm done with you now won't you?" He smiled. "Make your choice, you have FIVE seconds."

Ah crap! NO NO NO NO!!

I began to freak out and Sanderson walked up to me. "Hmph, why not all three?"

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