Chapter 32: Bring The Heat

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12:30, behind U-Mart, Seraphina's POV:

Emerson and I have met precisely on schedule, actually early. I'm glad that he is as on top of things as I was.

It was only moonlit and no employee was even at U-Mart so he and I were safe and sound from any distraction.

It was quiet and peaceful for once and I felt very excited for this moment.

A/N: Explain to me why the fuck does this sound like an Emerson X Seraphina fanfic.

"*Sigh* You ready to go?" He asked, wearing a VERY black hoodie and even a bandana over his mouth. He also had his hoodie covering his head and was wearing fingerless gloves.

"Pfft you look very emo." I chuckled.

"Says the girl with black nails." He rolled his eyes. "Is this too much?"

"Mhmm, pull down the hoodie over your head and take off that banana." I said to him, pointing at him.

He did exactly so and asked. "Better?"

"Yes you don't look like you're going to rape somebody."

"That's the last thing I would want to be seen as, a rapist." He sighed and brushed his hair with his hand.

"OK so what are we going to exactly do then? What's the plan?" I asked, eager to go ahead and kill some Phoenix assholes.

He pulled out a small handmade map and started to show me. "Look, the next street ahead has an a abandoned Mexican restaurant right? You see that's actually a entrance to an underground Phoenix facility, so that's where we are heading. The usual control communications and trade so that's a pretty good target." He explained to me.

"Alright, sure."

"You sure you're up for this?" He asked with caution. "We can postpone this if you want."

"Nah, I'm doing this shit tonight." I told him. "Besides, who wouldn't want to kill ass with their friend?"

"I kinda know some people that don't....."

"Well you get what I mean! Now come on!"

He sighed and I dragged him along, eventually he lead the way and we found the place he was talking about. We go inside the restaurant only to find a latch door on the floor.

"So this is the tunnel entrance you were talking about?" I asked as I tried to undo the thing.

"Yup, but it's uh locked."


"Don't worry, I've got this." He hit the door with an energy blast and it got mangled open.

"Damn that's a cool ability." I said.

"Yeah thanks, we are going to need your Time ability in a minute however." He added. "Let's hurry."

We walk down stairs and we see several Phoenix employees see us. "Intruders! ARREST THEM!!" They cry.

Soon a dampaner is sprayed and we both feel strange.

Ah shit, even Phoenix has this technology. Not JUST Spectre!

"Fuck they got hold of EMBER'S dampaner technology!" Emerson gritted his teeth.

"EMBER? I thought Spectre-"

"They're all the same! Why do you think they all have similar tech. NXGen, Spectre, EMBER, DARKLORD you name it!"

Emerson's Level: 5.0

Seraphina's Level: 4.1

Soon several employees started to fire their abilities on us, Emerson held up a weak energy sheild.

"Our abilities are now in half! We have to act quickly." He raised his voice.

"Like what?" I asked.

He stared at the dampaner devices on the ceiling, he looked at me and said: "Freeze time and go and destroy those stupid devices!"

I nodded and I froze time, I only had a little time since I lost half my ability. Not only that I could only freeze time at a faster rate rather than the previous slower rate so this made it difficult

However eventually I did managed to destroy the devices in less than five seconds.

So I resumed time and knocked out a couple Phoenix employees.

"Perfect! Thanks!" Emerson thanked me. He immediately fired several energy shards at all of the weak employees and knocked out all of them, bleeding.

"Guess being a 10.0 isn't so bad after all." He sighed.

"DUH! I'm just an 8.2!" I gave him a joking look.

"Well that's still too OP anyways." He brushed off. "Let's continue."

More idiots came to block our way but we handled them easily and kept going. Eventually I came to a stop and asked. "OK where are we ACTUALLY going?"

"There, the communications room. We need to destroy it ." Emerson pointed to a room with a massive super computer.

He led me there and we walked into the heavily guarded room.

Several high ranking soldiers opened fire at us but I froze time to stop the bullets and Em was too fast for the bullets and killed them.

Eventually we made sure there was no more people there to stop us and we approached the computer.

"Huh I wonder how well Fortnite will run on this thing?" I remarked looking at the controls.

"That'd be a waste of resources but it'll run it TOO well, just don't show it to any eleven year olds." Emerson joked.

"Well what are we waiting for?" I smiled at him.

With a time rush and his power energy fists we destroyed the entire machine in one blow.

Soon the entire thing collapsed and it was turned into a pile of ruble.

"That was....easy?" Emerson said.

"I uhhhhhhh, guess so." I sighed.

Suddenly a strange voice called out behind us. "I see that you got a new girlfriend blue, how nice. But I won't allow you two to destroy my works."

Then immediately a screeching sound could be heard and then my vision changed where all I could see were shades of red.

He and I turned around and I saw a white and red haired man, with his ability on.

"W-who are you?!" I was surprised by his appearance.

"I am Infinite, the man who can manipulate Reality." He smiled.

"INFINITE!! I'LL FUCKING GET YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" Emerson charged right at him with an energy claw but he tried to hit him but his claw just went through him. "What?!"

Soon another Infinite appeared behind me. "That was just a measly illusion. You haven't seen anything yet." He smiled. "After all I am the tallest of mountains, the toughest of waves, the toughest of terrors and I AM THE DARKEST OF DAYS!!"

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