Chapter 12: The "Date" Part 1

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Sanderson's POV, The Next Day:


It was time.....

Time to kill off one of the last survivors of the memory wipe, well of course John next but he's easier than her.

It was 6:25 and I had a suit on and some cologne, gotta make a good impression on the victim ya know?

Anyways I'm supposed to meet her at a seafood restaurant, 6:30. So I had some time, besides I have an ability that can make me go there in seconds, granted if I don't use it too hard and put my ability in a haywire.

I made sure I was all ready and such and left my dorm.

- 6:30, Pescado Delight Seafood. -

I made her quickly on time, aBiLiTy'S ya know? Anyways I went inside and saw Fiora sitting at a table. She had her hair longer than usual and she was wearing a good violet dress.

"Hey I'm here! How'd you beat me?" I smiled as I sat down.

"Eh I'm always early, that's why." She smiled. "Good to see you too!" 

"So how is t going?" I asked.

"Um fine, was very sad all week but I'm all over it now." She faked chuckled.

Still miss that damn hero eh? Don't worry you will see him VERY soon hehe.....

"What about you?" 

"Me? Eh nothing. I have been visiting my Dad a lot at the laboratory lately." I said.

"You're dad? Is he some sort of scientist?" She asked.

"Yes actually! He's also an engineer so he makes a lot of cool stuff too. He even helped me with my ability." I explained.

"Oh wow, that explains it." 

"Yeah haha so that's pretty much it." I finished.

"Cool, mind if I read the menu real quick?" 

"Oh no, not at all. I was about to too."

Choose wisely cause this will be your last meal.

We sat for a second reading the menu, to be honest I REALLY didn't like seafood. So it was difficult trying to find something with the least amount of seafood.

Eventually a waitress came and took our drink and food order and left to go fulfill them.

"So anyways," I continued. "Wanna see a picture of my dad?"

"Um yeah, sure." She replied.

I unlocked my phone and showed her the picture.

I unlocked my phone and showed her the picture

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"He looks, strange." Fiora mumbled.

"Yeah I know, sometimes I would make fun of him for his ridiculous goggles." I chuckled as I put the phone back in my pocket.

Our order came and we started eating, as we were I noticed Fiora was shaking. I mean not that it mattered but I did.

"Hey um what's the matter?" I asked.

"Oh? Me? Nothing. I just feel...bad." She looked away.

"About what?" I asked.

"Um its something personal. I don't really want to tell." She explained. "I'm sorry."

Feel like you're doing something wrong dating again don't ya? HA! Dumb girl, you'll see him soon so just forget about it and enjoy your last meal.

"Oh no its's OK." I blew it off "Stuff like this is normal to feel anyways so I totally get it."

"Um thanks." She fake smiled. "I wish I wasn't so sad all the time though, not even getting a new boyfriend such as you made me feel better."

"Sometimes feeling sad is actually a depression. You might need mental help for that." I said.

Not like you're gonna need it anyways.

She looked at me blankly. "So now you think I'm crazy?"

"No no no not at all. Well at least now, I DID think you were when you attacked me." I told her.

"Oh yeah, yeah I was crazy then." She continued on eating. "I actually still wonder if I am if even my friends think I am."

"Eh, don't worry about them." I sighed "Maybe friends aren't the best supporters really."

"I guess."

"Trust me." I smiled.

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