Chapter 29: John and Jack

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Wellston High The Next Day, Emerson's POV:

I decided I would instead pick Sanderson up from school instead of waiting for him. I wanted to help him ASAP so that way he wouldn't be associated with Josh or Phoenix.

I walked back inside school looking for him, I couldn't find him for some reason however.

I kept looking around and around and around. Ask around, nope.

Come to think of it, I didn't see him all day. Neither Fiora.

I decided to make one last check, I thought he might be hiding behind some little spot that was wedged between a locker and a wall.

Sure enough I found him....

"Hey Sanderson I'm here to-"

..... making out with Fiora.


Phoenix HQ, John's POV:

I don't know if this is even a good idea. But I guess it's for the greater good.

"Alright John, you see a vigilante who is against a new peace hurling at you with a large ball made of ice. What do you do?" Jack asked.

I stuttered "You deflect it and hit him back."

"Exactly, observe." Jack turned to a special cannon device that immediately shot an ice ball at him. Jack turned into Angelic Form and used a Holy Shield to deflect it to the wall."

John returned to human form and smirked. "Alright, let's see you do it Aura Manipulation."

That's not my name dumbass.

Another ice ball flew but instead at me, I used a ability I copied and I destroyed it.

"Hmph, not bad." Jack was surprised.

"I am a 10 you know." I reminded him.

"Mmkay." Jack said. "Alright now you need to know how to slit a throat, how to kill people with basic weaponry, to do parkour and heavy shit."

"Um do I really? This awful sounds like some CIA stuff." I asked, really not wanting to do all of this.

"Mhmm, you want a New Reality, you kill for it." Jack glanced at me. "You don't just get it handed it to you."

"I guess so." I sighed.

Jack pulled a dummy in front of me and began. "Take this knife and slit it's throat."

I hesitated but I took it anyways, I looked at the dummy and I immediately slit it's throat. I left a large gash on it.

"Huh, you're a natural!" Jack exclaimed. "I never seen anyone slit like that other than me."

"It's pretty simple though."

"You'd think, I've seen people fuck it up all the time." Jack remembered. "At this rate, you'll be able to kill your first target."

"My first target? Kill?" I was very confused, I didn't even know I had a mission assigned yet.

Jack turned his head at me and gave my a look. "Of course you have one. You're supposed to kill your classmate."

"My classmate?! Which one?!" I got really scared, I didn't EVER want to kill anyone of my classmates. Well maybe Arlo but STILL.

"That stupid kid who thinks he's somebody. You know, that one with the dumb Energy Manipulation ability. Ugh I fucking loathe him, that brat." Jack described him.

"Emerson?! You want me to kill him?!" I exclaimed.

"Not specifically me but Orville wants him dead. He doesn't mean much to you anyways and he's in our way of the New Reality." Jack said, brushing it off.


"And he'll stop us, thinking he's being the super hero when in reality he's stopping us from world bliss." Jack explained. "So we have to kill him, we already talked Sanderson to take the one thing he loves anymore so at this rate, we can kill him easily."

I sat down for a minute, I held my head and was in shock.

I CAME ALL THIS WAY TO KILL THE GUY I OWE IT TO?! Damn man.... But if it's truly for world bliss I guess I could proceed with it.

"What's the matter?" Jack leaned towards me.

"I just feel really bad, I joined Phoenix cause I felt like I owed it to him to make the world a better place." I told him, feeling very sad and defeated.

"You would be doing him a favor." Jack smiled. "He'll understand."

"But, why are we killing him then?"

"Because, we can't trust him. He killed Josh after all." Jack said.

I looked down depressed and said. "I guess but Josh was a pedo who raped my ex."

"Josh was a lot of things for sure but he was an advocate for the New Reality." Jack remembered. "That's what truly matters."

I guess but still, I don't know if what I'm even doing is a good idea anymore. What's right and what's wrong?

"C'mon, we got more training to finish. You'll be ready by tomorrow."

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