A Thankful Superhero.

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"I could give you an example."

"Alright, shoot."

I kept my gaze on the stars above us and let the memories flood back over me while we laid there. "One time, when she was spending the night, my parents yelled at me; and this was one of their bad days, okay? She witnessed it. The full-on yelling, how loud they could get, and how bad of things they would say. When I went back to my room, I found her sitting there, sobbing, because she believed it was her fault when it was definitely not. So, I held her and comforted her, quieted down her wrong thinking, and eventually I made her laugh again."

"Aw..." He trailed, but seemingly confused, he continued, "I'm sorry, but how is that an example, though?"

I chuckled and shook my head. "It was one of their bad days, not bad bad, but still bad." I spoke. "Usually, I would be how she was, but I kept it all together for her. I didn't let myself feel anything except love and calmness for her. She taught me how to be a superhero, and I'll always be thankful for that—no matter what has happened between us."

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