Chapter 77

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When the news of Shen Rong being released on bail by the Shen family reached Shen Xi's ears, he was surrounded by reporters downstairs at his company.

Since it was Shen Xi's first appearance since the drug-related incident, the reporters were obviously very excited and were chasing after him to try to get some exclusive information. Shen Xi's face was expressionless as he dismissed all the microphones in front of him with the words "no comment", until a reporter shouted out the news that Shen Rong had been released on bail by the Shen family. Only then did Shen Xi's expression change.

The reporter was obviously keenly aware of Shen Xi's expression and quickly repeated what he had said before. Shen Xi frowned slightly, glanced at the reporter, and said nothing.

The company's security escorted him into the company. Lao K was already in his office early.

When he saw Lao K, Shen Xi thought of the reporter's words earlier and said in confusion, "What is the matter with Shen Rong being bailed out by the Shen family? Didn't Mr. Shen already know the truth about Shen Cheng's drug addiction? Why was he still willing to bail him out?"

Lao K seemed to have something on his mind and didn't hear Shen Xi's words. Shen Xi patted him suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Lao K shook his head without saying anything, but handed a report in front of him to Shen Xi.

"You should read this first."

Shen Xi took it in confusion; his eyes darted over the contents, and as his eyes moved down, his body visibly froze.

Lao K looked worriedly at Shen Xi, whose expression he couldn't see. He couldn't guess how Shen Xi was feeling at the moment, but he knew he wouldn't be calm. The report didn't really contain much; it was everything he had found out about the Han family. There was only one exceptional thing he had inadvertently discovered, and that was the reason why he had asked Shen Xi to come to the office. As Shen Xi lingered on the report for longer and longer, the worry in Lao K's eyes grew deeper. He did not know what kind of impact this matter would have on Shen Xi, but he had no right to hide this matter.

The office fell into silence. After a while, Shen Xi raised his head looking as usual, "Have you checked the results of this test?"

Shen Xi's tone was very plain, as if he had casually asked a perfectly normal question. Lao K hid the worry in his eyes and shook his head, "It's been too long. We could only find out that Shen Dehan had this test done back then, but we can't find out what the test results were."

Shen Xi listened quietly to Lao K's words, his eyes once again falling on the report in front of him. The words "DNA test" reflected in his pupils, two familiar names on it deeply mocking. Shen Xi subconsciously squeezed the report, and the memories of his previous life in prison and his childhood flashed through his mind, finally focusing on the cold face of Shen Dehan.

Shen Xi could not tell what he felt in his heart at this moment. There was anger, confusion and a vague fear of the outcome. His long-standing belief was crumbling, as if it would collapse at the slightest push.

In his previous life, Shen Xi had asked himself countless times why his father did not like him. Why didn't the Shen family like him? He had always thought it was because of his mother, because of the ridiculously misplaced anger, but now the truth was coming out. Shen Dehan's coldness, Shen Dehan's disregard, Shen Dehan's indifference to his imprisonment, all of it had a logical explanation. He was not Shen Dehan's child.

Shen Xi had imagined countless reasons, but had never thought in that direction. If he was not Shen Dehan's child, then what was the point of his revenge? What was the purpose of his rebirth? From ten years in prison in his previous life to his rebirth in this life, what supported him was his belief that the Shen family owed him, and he wanted to get back every bit of what he was owed. He wanted to make the Shen family lose their father-son bonds and turn brothers against each other, and he wanted to destroy the Shen family with his own hands. But now he suddenly found out that he might not be the Shen family's child, so did the Shen family still owe him?

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