Chapter 28

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Yunrou's cancer-causing incident was so big that even though Shen Bixue believed that the matter would be resolved properly in the end, she was still worried.

Shen Bixue's worries were seen by her husband. In the study, Li Xiyong finished reading all the news about Yunrou cancer, took off his glasses and looked at Li Mingxuan, who had been sitting quietly, "What do you think?"

Li Mingxuan didn't think twice, "There is definitely a mastermind behind this matter. The question now is who this mastermind is?"

His father nodded, "Who do you think it is?"

Li Mingxuan mused, "Before Yunrou appeared, the domestic household chemical market had been divided by the six companies known as the six giants of household chemicals, all occupying a similar market share and maintaining a fragile balance. However, the emergence of Yunrou upset this balance. Since Yunrou's strong rise three years ago, it managed to squeeze 10% of the market after two years of development, and Yunrou is currently gaining momentum. If it continues to be allowed to develop, the domestic household chemical market may have to be reshuffled. Under such circumstances, it is unlikely that any of those six companies would let Yunrou continue, and any of them could have made a move."

"That's right, those six companies are indeed all suspicious." Li Xiyong nodded in agreement.

Li Mingxuan went on, "But I don't think any of those six companies would do this."

"Why?" Li Xiyong was interested.

Li Mingxuan explained, "I've asked Ah Ji. The presence of dioxane in shampoo is a well-known fact in the industry. Because it is not added during the production process but comes with the raw material, it is not specifically labelled in the ingredients. That being the case, if the six companies have any brains, they will not attack Yunrou over this matter, because they can be involved and the consequences will be too much for them to bear. So it's very likely that the culprit behind this is some small, unscrupulous household chemical factory deliberately set out to break the unspoken rules of the industry and to mess up the household chemical market so that they can fish in muddy waters.

"Of course, we can't rule out the possibility that someone is maliciously throwing in the news with the intention of speculating on Shen Group's stock for profit. After all, with the news out, Shen Group's stock price plunged and small retail investors panicked and sold. It's definitely cost-effective to buy at this time, after all, Yunrou is only a subsidiary of Shen Group and whether it collapses or not, there will be no damaging effect on Shen Group."

Li Xiyong nodded, "Good, no matter which reason it is, Ah Ji is facing a tough battle this time. If he wins, he will stabilise his position as the heir to Shen Group. But if he doesn't, I'm afraid there will be another storm at Shen Group. However, with your uncle's guidance behind the scenes, I'm sure this matter will be turned around into a development opportunity for Yunrou."

What Li Xiyong and Li Mingxuan didn't know was that in the previous life, Shen Ji had successfully expanded Yunrou's market share from 10% to 17% by relying on the "dioxane" incident and becoming the biggest dark horse in the household chemical industry in one fell swoop. He was also able to secure his position as the heir to Shen Group.

At that time, Shen Xi was in prison and the news was full of reports on "dioxane", but unlike in this life, the one exposed to the "dioxane" incident was not Yunrou, but one of the six giants of the household chemical industry. With the exposure of "dioxane", the company's stock price plummeted. The company tried all kinds of methods to recover. In the end, it helplessly pointed out that "dioxane" not only existed in their products, but also in the products of the entire industry. This argument shocked the whole country. All washing products without exception were involved in the "dioxane" incident and were questioned by consumers.

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