Hermione Granger 📖( LOVE CONFESSION🏳️‍🌈💕)

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House: Gryffindor

Year: 4th year ( but it doesn't matter )

Warnings ⚠️: non

For the past few months you've been developing feelings for the loveable book worm Hermione Granger.Well you've always felt butterflies when she would laugh at your bad jokes or a fuzzy feeling when she would hold your hand , but those feelings were pushed into the secret volt at the back of your brain because those were all friendly things to do , and she would never be interested in you like that also the fact that Ron seemed to like her to.

So as the stakes were high on would she would choose you decided to make a move so you asked her if she wanted to have a girls night and stay up all night doing girly things like nail painting, making charm bracelets and gossiping ( I don't think all girls gossip but most of the girls night stories I've read have gossiping so ??). " Hey, Mione I was wondering if you wanted to have a girls night and do girl stuff?" " And before you say you have to go to the library or finish homework as an excuse I will not take no for an answer!" You exclaimed " But you know that professor Snape( Snape ,Snape Severus Snape, Dumbledore!) told us to write two rolls of,parchment on the Doxycide potion and it's due on Monday!" " Well we'll have to do it tomorrow so we can have our girl's night, yes? " "But we-" " No buts , no what's, no coconuts , I will not take no for an answer!"

"Fine " the bushy haired girl huffed.

So you and your long term crush headed back to Gryffindor tower to set up for your for you girls night ( btw I've never had a girls night so 🤷🏾‍♂️) You went to get the snacks from the kitchen while Hermione set up the pillow fortress. But when you returned you found Lavender and Parvati ( I hope that's not wrong 😑) your room mates helping with the pillow fort .You had completely forgotten that you shared the room with two other people . So you had two new additions to your girls night ,aka the night you were going to confess to Hermione that you absolutely fell in love with her but you couldn't do that with two other people there and you didn't have the heart to kick them out so you let them stay.

So how was that? part 2 , part 2 anyone comment if y'all want part 2 and your requests. And apologies for not updating I a while , and I have news ( drumroll pls!) next month I will be updating more because we will be closing at school for 35 days yay 😁 so leave comments and requests or ideas

I love you my stars ⭐️ from Moony 🌙

Btw what did you guys think of the Draco Oneshot it was kinda inspired by personal experience

Byeee 😘

∞ ϟ 9¾ 𝓗𝓪𝓻𝓻𝔂 𝓟𝓸𝓽𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓸𝔂𝓼 𝓪𝓷𝓭 𝓰𝓲𝓻𝓵𝓼 𝓞𝓷𝓮𝓼𝓱𝓸𝓽𝓼 ⚯͛ △⃒⃘ ➵ Where stories live. Discover now