chapter 29

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Demi POV

Mimi: Why are you smiling?


Mimi: Hello?


Mimi: Im trying to tell you me and Roc are moving in together.

Demi: What the hell Mimi?!

Mimi: Now that I have your attention why are you smiling so hard?

Demi: No reason Im just texting Brandon. He wants to take me to the beach today.

Mimi: So you made up your mind? NO games?

Demi: Yes I have. Now help me find something cute to wear.

I ended up putting on (above)while Mimi stared at me.

Demi: I do something wrong?

Mimi: No...I just really wanted you to end up with Prince.

Demi: Whats done is done Mi. Besides you'll change your mind once you meet Brandon. Hes cute and funny.

Mimi: So is Prince. Team Princeton!

Demi: Girl quiet down before somebody heres you.

Just then Maya walked in looking at me.

Maya: I say Team Prince to girl. Only because I havent met this Brandon dude yet.

Mimi: HA!

Demi: While you two weirdos have fun picking teams I will be back later by at least 9.

I started heading down the stairs when Mimi yelled after me.

Mimi: NO SEX!!

Demi: SHUT UP!!

Prince: Huh?

Demi: Oh um..nothing. Just Mimi being stupid.

Prince: You going somewhere?

Demi: Yea just-

Last time I said just with a friend I ended up sneaking back in the house at like 3 in the morning. I think I should wing it.

Demi: Just to the beach.

Prince: Come here.

He grabbed my hand and we ran out the front door to another house that looked kinda abandoned. As soon as we walked in it looked like (above^)

Demi: Whoa.

He got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

Prince: Yea I just come here to think sometimes. Its my own man cave or some shit.

Demi: Who else knows about this?

Prince: Just me...and you.

I turned around and looked up at him with a smile.

Demi: Pretty cool.

Prince: Yea.

He unwrapped his arms and got a drink while I plopped on the couch.

Prince: Want anything?

Demi: Im fine.

I kinda laid down since I was comfortable on this nice ass couch. I wonder why he never tells anyone bout this little place. It was actually decent. I looked over and saw him on the other couch.

Demi: You can sit by me you know?

Prince: Nah I think Im good.

Prince was one to always play mind games with me but I wonder if I could reverse it. I got up and climbed on his lap. I took the drink out of his hand and set it down.

Demi: Now..about those 10 minutes of alone time with me?

Prince: That is not why I brought you here but-

Demi: But what would you do?

He pushed my hips closer to his and slowly laid me on my back while kissing my neck.

Prince: If you dont mind I might extend those 10 minutes.

I giggled when he lifted my shirt a bit and moved his way down to my belly. I brought him back to my face and kissed him while taking off his shirt. Damn that 6 pack got me again. I felt a hand unbutton my shorts while another lifted a leg. I kissed his neck while he lowered my shorts a bit. I hurried and took of my shirt and wrapped my arms around his neck while his hands trailed up and down my back. I bit my lip and as soon as I did he hurried and pressed his lips on mine. He started to grind on me a bit and I tightened my grip on him. Out of nowhere my phone rang and I struggled to reach for it but Princeton just kept kissing every part of me.

Demi: Hello?

Brandon: Hey Im at the beach. Where you at?

Demi: (Sigh) Im on my way.

Brandon: All Right.

I hung up and Prince looked at me.

Demi: I gotta go.

He looked down but rose himself up allowing me to get through.

Prince: Do what you gotta do.

I hurried and put on my clothes and he the same. I wanted to apologize but what exactly do I say. I bolted out the door to meet up with Brandon without looking back.

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