chapter 14

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Demi POV

Mimi: He pushed you?

Demi: Yea girl. My legs not that bad but I just had nothing to say to him. I went upstairs and he left.

Mimi: Maybe he's just cray. But I have my "talking to" with Roc in like a few days.

Demi: Hope you guys hit it off.

Mimi: I hope we dont but I gotta go to the office. Catch ya later girl.

She jogged off while I finished my lap. I handed coach my sticks and stretched until I felt somebody grab my butt. I jumped up and saw Prince.

Demi: Dont do that.

Prince: Yea whatever. You all right or not?

Demi: Im fine! Now are you coming over again or not?

Prince: Sadly. I might be a little late and all.

Demi: Why?

Tammi POV

I was walking back with Lexi from the water fountain when I saw Prince and Demi talking. Her hands were on her hips and she leaned forward like she was "stretching" but we all know she's a dirty slut.

Lexi: Oooh girl. What you gonna do about that?

Tammi: Stay here and tell me if anything goes on. I need to find Ray and Prod.

Lexi: I got you.

I hurried and ran to the Drama room and walked inside.

Tammi: Sorry to disturb Ms. Wellington but Coach needs both Ray and Prodigy.

Ms. Wellington: You boys can go.

Tammi: I just needed to get you guys out. I have a message...from Prince.

Prodigy: Yea?

Tammi: I dont know he said something about teaching Demi a lesson she'll never forget. He was real serious when he said it. Told me I could trust you Ray, since you like doing things like this.

Ray: (Evil smile) Hell yea I do.

Tammi: All right I'll let you guys be. Oh and he said to do it before the end of the day.

Prodigy: We got you.

I walked off with such a grin on my face. Demi needed to be taught a lesson.

Demi POV

I was finally dressed but all the girls already left. I walked out the girls locker room and I saw Ray and Prodigy.

Demi: Hey guys?

Prodigy: Yea we have a message from Prince.

Demi: Yea what was it?

Prodigy hurried and grabbed my wrist and started walking a little fast. They took me by U hall.

Demi: Why are we in U hall? Nobody ever comes here.

Out of nowhere Ray slapped me down then lowered himself to my level.

Ray: Its not a secret that everybody really hates you and your kind of a slut. So Prince wanted us to send a message to you.

Prodigy: Hurry up man. I got watch.

My eyes filled with tears as Ray gave me the most powerful punches and kicks. He didnt hit me in my face but I had it covered. As soon as he was done he and Prodigy ran off. I just laid there crying not even bothering to go to last period. I just ditched and went home and changed into my outfit and got a head start on the project. I decided to take a quick nap since Prince-Prince the asshole. I didnt even want him to come over, What did I need to be taught a lesson for? And why was I considered a slut if I havent even slept with anybody? I slowly fell asleep thinking about all of this.

4:27 Pm

Prince POV

I was already done with my chores for my mom and myself so I headed over to Demi's. I knocked a few times but she didnt answer so I knocked a little harder. I saw a small and blurry figure come to the door and Demi answered the door in a loose crop top and boy basketball shorts.
Her top exposed her belly and her shorts were kinda rolled once.

Demi POV

As soon as I answered the door I didnt look at Prince. How could I?

Prince: You ever put on clothes?

He said walking past me and plopping on the couch. Was he ever not such an asshole? I just sat on the couch and wrote some new notes in my journal. It was kind of an awkward silence but I still wouldnt talk or look at him.

Prince POV

Demi was actin weird. Not weird like I'm used to but just silent weird. She didn't raise her head to look at me once.

Prince: You look like a homeless prostitute.

I was hoping she would talk but nothing. I squinted my eyes and just looked her up and down but I saw something weird on her leg. It wasn't that cut I gave her it was something else. I got up and sat next to her but once again she didn't look up.

Prince: Whats that?

She didnt answer and I was getting a little pissed so I grabbed her notebook and threw it and just like that, her attention was to me.

Prince: Whats that?

I asked pointing to her leg so she knew. She looked at me for a quick second and turned away.

Prince: Well?!

She didnt look my way so I pinned her down and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled it back.

Demi: That's my hair! Let go!

Prince: Tell me whats on your leg!

I pulled a little harder and I saw her close her eyes.

Demi: (Tearing Up) Its not one of yours so let my hair go!!


Demi: (Crying) Its a bruise from Ray. You told him and Prodigy to teach me a lesson.

I loosened my grip on her but I still had her hair in my hand. I looked at Demi real quick and she stared at me with tears down her face.I used the hand I had in her hair and wiped the tears away with my thumb. I put my face a little closer to hers but she flinched a bit so I held her. She looked scared but I just kissed her.



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