chapter 26

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Demi POV

(On the Phone)

Demi: Umm yeah. Yes Im getting dressed. Ok. All right see you. Bye.

Mimi: Who was that?

Demi: Just a friend who Im gonna hang with.

Mimi: Is it the same friend who dropped you off?

Demi: Maybe maybe not. But can you cover for me?

Mimi: And say what?

Demi: Just agree with me and say that Im going to the mall.

Mimi: Hurry back or your grounded.

Demi: Shut up.

I hurried and threw on an outfit (above) and went downstairs where the guys were in the living room.

Ray: Demi what did I say about your outfits? Do you know what your doing to my hormones?!

Demi: (Laughing) Shut up. This is perfectly normal.

Prodigy: Normal for what exactly?

Demi: For the mall. I just wanna shop with a friend.

Roc: And Mimi?

Demi: Mimi said her feet hurt and she didnt feel like it.

Prince: So..see ya later I guess.

Demi: Yea I guess.

There was a weird silence until I heard a horn beeping outside.

Demi: Thats my ride. See ya guys!

I hurried and hopped in the car.

Brandon: Well look whos trying to impress me on the first date.

Demi: Shut up and lets go.

Prince POV

I wondered if she was going with a guy or a girl but I couldnt ask out loud so I just watched her leave.

Ray: You okay man?

Prince : Yea just-

Prodigy: Just thinking bout his midnight snack.

I looked at Prod who was just smirking at me.

Ray: What kind of snack?

Roc smacked Ray in his head.

Roc: Not that kind of snack dumb-ass.

Ray: Damn all you had to do was say so.

Prince: How you know bout that?

Prodigy: I was actually craving some vanilla bean ice cream with some brownies but I saw you guys.

Prince: Oh.

Prodigy: Man I aint gonna tell. Besides I think Tammi is-

Tammi: Tammi is what?

Tammi and her girls came from the pool with towels wrapped around them.

Prodigy: Tammi is the only girl I know who can do 80 back flips in a row. Damn.

Tammi: Oh. Well of course guys. I mean I am the most flexible girl at school. All I need is my middle split and Im perfect.

Lexi: What brought up this conversation anyway?

Roc: Flexible bitches.

Tammi: Oh. (Realizes what he just said) Shut the fuck up.

Ray: Yo Lexi. Wanna get some Taco Cabana?

Lexi: You and your damn tacos! Cant we have chicken for once?

Prodigy: Ummm no. Nobody eats chicken in the house but me. Get that shit straight.

Lexi: Ugh. Fine lets go.

Ray hopped up and I tossed him his keys.

Prodigy: But uh anyway Prince, you got our words.

Tammi: Word on what?

Prodigy: Damn you always nosey? Im bout to get a snack.

Maya: Where's Demi?

Prince: Oh she-

Tammi: Probably in whore-land where she belongs.

She kinda just laughed by herself.

Prince: So Im gonna take a nap or something.

Tammi: But we just came back. You want me to join you?

Prince: Nah Im fine.

I ran up to Mimi's room and saw her on her phone.

Mimi: How can I help you?

Prince: Um...never mind.

Mimi: She's fine. The only thing I advise you to do is act like you love her instead of keep her in the shadows.

Prince: Whats that supposed to mean?

Mimi: It means if you wait to long to show her how you feel, there will already be a Prince Charming to take her away.

I slowly closed her door and walked to my room. Was I really taking Demi for granted and keeping her in the shadows? I mean I am gonna break up with Tami. Well when I get the chance to.

Got to study guys so more tomorrow. Comment (on the story)

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