chapter 12

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  cameron screamed for such a long time that margot wasn't sure if he'd be done by the time they got back home. eventually he did stop but what he did next was a bit worse, at least in margot and sloane's opinion. he went dead silent, gasping and staring ahead of them.
  the four drive on for a bit, margot glancing to a stunned cameron every few seconds, her face leaning on her hand. she's screwed, if her and sloane get figured out the next year is gonna be hell on earth. ferris and cam will face hell for a while but then they can leave and they'll leave sloane and margot to get shit for the next eternity.

  they pull off to a spot next to the lake hoping that they can pull cameron from his catatonic state.
  "cameron." sloane says as she holds his head, margot sitting on the bench adjacent from the two.

  "cam." margot says, hoping he'll show some sign of life. he's completely catatonic, no blinking, to talking, and he's barely breathing.

  "can you hear me?" sloane asks, brushing his hair with her fingers. "cameron?...blink if you understand me." of course he doesn't blink, he's completely gone.

  "we're gonna have to try something else." margot says, looking up to sloane. sloane nods her head and looks over to ferris who's standing a bit away from them, focused on something else. "i'll go talk to ferris." margot says before getting up and walking over to him.

  "ferris, we're gonna have to try something else. he's completely out of it, he's not really blinking, he won't say a word, and he barely looks like he's breathing." margot says to ferris, glancing to cameron and sloane every few seconds. ferris looks over, his face serious for once.

  "what'd you suggest?"

  "well i really don't know. he's never been like this before. call his mom or something?" ferris raises his brows, giving his sister a look that says "you're stupid." she nods, "i know, i know it's stupid but i don't know what else to do i mean what do you do for a guy who's snapped like this?" she asks, looking over to cameron.

  "come on." ferris says, gesturing to sloane that the four of them should head out.

  nearly half an hour later the four of them find themselves at a nice house with a pretty big pool, margot doesn't know whose house it is or how ferris knew how to get in. all ferris said was "it'll be fine." when she expressed a hint of fear about breaking in.

  "if the owners come by, we'll be in deep shit." margot says as she sits next to sloane, her hockey jersey and skirt switched for her track shorts and her tank top. she's skipping track tonight too.

  "we'll be fine marge, just eat some oreos and chill out." ferris says, handing an oreo to margot. she rolls her eyes but takes the oreo, hoping that it'll do something to make her feel better.

  "you feeling any better cameron?" ferris asks, looking up to cameron whose sitting on a chair on top of the diving board. the only answer he receives is silence.

  "cam!" sloane yells up, "come in here, it's nice." silence again, "cameron, margot and i could flip out real easy too. it's ok." sloane says, in margot's eyes it's anything but ok. rather than sitting on their asses they should be trying to fix the car or at least try to make a run for it. unlike ferris margot has a threshold for craziness, she's gone far past that threshold. "sooner or later everyone goes to the zoo."

  "maybe he's really sick." ferris says, glancing to his sister and sloane. margot shrugs and looks back up at him, he's as still as a statue. "maybe he isn't just torturing himself." margot stares at him and for the first time in the last 20 minutes cameron moves, he falls straight into the water, chair and all.

  the three look at each other, practically stunned before ferris jumps into the pool, margot standing on the side watching down below as ferris drags cameron up out of the water.

  "hey." ferris says as he sits cam down, "hey. hey cameron. cam, cam wake up. come on wake up." ferris says as he lightly slaps cameron's face, the two girls watch down anxiously. "wake up. awe shit cameron, come on wake up!"

  margot thinks for a moment that maybe cameron is really messed up, like legit messed up like he had some crazy sickness that wasn't so bad until now and he just died of it on the diving board but just as that crazy irrational thought creeps into her mind his eyes open and he looks over to ferris and smiles a bit.
  "what is that?" ferris asks at the face, someone who nearly just drowned should not be smiling.

  "ferris bueller you're my hero." cameron says in some stupid kid voice, sloane and margot immediately rolling their eyes.

  "you're kidding?" ferris asks, oh no cameron got ferris to actually act distressed and show that he does care about people other than himself, "you bitch. you son of a bitch." he says as he winds up for a punch, looking like he's about to strangle cameron. ferris pushes cameron into the middle of the pool as margot sits down, an unimpressed look on her face as she watches on. ferris picks up sloane and tosses her in as cameron swims over to margot, leaning on her legs.

  "i actually hate you." she says with a straight face, he scoffs and smiles up at her. "i wanna punch you in the face so bad." she says with a chuckle as he smiles.

  "did i make you worry?" he asks, she grumbled and he smiles before grabbing her and tossing her in the bunch.

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