chapter 3

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  margot walks out of the art classroom, beelining for the pay phones. if she doesn't call ferris within the next 2 minutes someone will come up to her and tell her that ferris wants her, he's got a weird way of finding anyone, probably cause he knows everyone.

  she walks up to the pay phone, putting a quarter in and dialing ferris up, "ferris bueller speaking." she hears practically as soon as she calls.

  "margot bueller speaking." she mimics in the same studios tone that he uses to answer calls, "so tell me this wonderful plan of yours." margot says, sarcasm heavy in her voice. the perk of margot not being bothered by his bullshit plans is that she gets to reap the benefits of the bullshit that he pulls as well as make fun of him.

   "so you're gonna go into- what's next hour?"

  "math, with ms. nowak."

  "ok, so you're gonna go into nowak's class and you're gonna say cough and sniffle, the whole 9 yards. well margot nine yards." your nine yards is like a single yard for ferris, he is quite an actor. "and then when she stops teaching upfront raise your hand. she'll come over and you say "i feel really sick. i must have whatever ferris has, my mom said if i felt sick to call her and she'll come pick me up. may i go?" if she disputes amp it up, if it doesn't work i've got a back up plan, call me. so if everything goes right the first time you'll go out to the parking lot and walk to the front lot." margot attempts to interrupt as that's stupid, rooney or anyone in the front office could see you, "if you go to the senior lot or anywhere else and a teacher catches you, you'll be toast. and in the front lot cameron will be there, he'll pick you up and bring you home and i'll tell you everything else once you two get here." at this point she's learned to not even question his plans, cause they always work out.

  "ok so fake sick, meet cam. got it." margot says as students begin to flood out of the classrooms around her, "i've gotta bounce, i'll see ya in an hour." she says before hanging the phone up and walking to nowak's class.

  now margot is no ferris bueller but she'll go the extra mile if it's really important to her and on a day like today missing school is really important to her.

  so she sniffles and coughs, gets choked up and everything. and she seizes her moment as ms. nowak walks by, looking down at her paper. she's the kind of teacher that points out mistakes without you even asking for feedback.

  "margot," she says, margot looking up as if she wasn't listening and waiting as her footsteps got closer and closer to her desk, "i don't think you have that one quite right." she says as she points to a problem, a trig problem.

  "oh god, y'know i've been all over the place today. i think i have whatever ferris has, it's totally thrown my groove off." margot says, turning up the ferris like charm. ms. nowak makes a face of sympathy, the mention of poor little ferris pulling at her heartstrings.

  "i was wondering if you were ok." she says with a small sympathetic smile.

  "i feel awful to be honest, my mom said to call home and leave if i felt bad." margot says to her, praying that ms. nowak won't question or pry for details or tell her to wait.

  "do you want to head there now?" she asks and it takes everything in margot to not smile and rejoice, "to be frank you don't look to good margot." now that, that was a punch in the gut.

  "yeah, i think that'd be best." margot says as she stands up, picking her bag up along the way and slinging it over her shoulder. "thanks ms. nowak. i'll finish the homework and have jeanie bring it in." you say with a small smile, she shakes her head.

  "just get feeling better margot, tell your brother i said hi and i'm praying for the guy." wow, the name ferris really does do wonders. if margot did this herself she would most definitely have been met with  either a hard "no," or "how about you just wait it out?" she smiles at ms. nowak, muttering a thank you before leaving the classroom, making sure to sniffle along the way. rather than calling her moth margot walks to the front office before she enters she stops behind the door and rubs her eyes, hoping to build up tears or make her look sick, just something to be more convincing. she knows that she'll be fine as long as rooney doesn't come over and interrogate her about ferris and his many many sick days.

  "hello margot," grace says as margot walks into the office, margot knows that she's not supposed to call her grace but she's never heard her referred to as anything else. "what can i help you with?" she asks, her minnesota accent thick. if her voice was an object it would be a spring, that's all margot can think of as she looks down at the red headed woman. freedom just a signature away.

  "my mom's outside to pick me up, she thinks i have what ferris has." margot says, grace making a sympathetic face, margot looks into rooney's office to see him looking frazzled as always. he's probably pissed about ferris's latest rendezvous.

  "poor girl. here you go." she says, forking over the sign out sheets. margot quickly writes in, "margot bueller 9:27 am- sick".

  "thanks." she says as she hands grace the paper back, before turning around and walking out the front door and to cameron's beater of a car. it's blindingly white and clunky, sticking out like a sore thumb.

    she opens the door to the car, cameron nearly jumping as she does so. he acts as if he was pulled from a deep dream, taking the girl in as if she was from another world.

  "hey margot." he says quietly as she sits down in the passenger seat.

  "hey," margot says with a small smile, throwing her bag to the floor, "i seriously thought i was gonna throw up back there, i don't know how ferris does it." she says with a small smile as cameron backs up, he smiles a bit. as he backs the car up her eyes are trained on him, it's stupid, she knows, being so whipped for a guy that watching him back up a car is even kinda cute.

  margot and cameron have that kinda relationship where they're both obviously into each other but both of them are way to clueless and scared to say anything to each other. so rather than just admitting their feelings they both stay in this weird area of the friend zone. like they're obviously into each other, the whole school is practically betting on their relationship.
  "hey, you're better than me. i had to be actually sick to get here." he jokes, she smiles a bit, laying her head against the window and watching the other cars go by, cameron's a slow but she's ok with that. better than jeanie or ferris who go a million miles an hour, ferris can't even stay in between the lines.

  she looks to him and he looks like a guy who is very much so not sick. he's been doing this since he was little, being so upset and depressed that he convinces himself he's sick and then starts to feel actually sick.
if you were him you'd probably wish for disease too.
margot lays her hand against his cheek, if you asked her what's she's doing she'd say that she's "checking his temperature", anyone with a brain could see right through that.

  thankfully cameron doesn't have a brain.

  "you feel fine to me cam. looks like someone lied and skipped school." she says, obviously trying to toy with cameron, he smiles just a bit and chuckles. he steals a glance at the girl, her head laying against the cold window, the sunlight reflecting off her rings onto the navy skirt she wears. but before that thought gets to carried away he trains his eyes back on the road, ready to quip back at the girl.

  "i would never." he says in faux sincerity, but truthfully he would never. he's much to scared to do anything fun or out of the box, ferris literally had to twist his arm just to pick up margot.

  margot chuckles at the guy, now it's her turn to steal a glance. she thinks about how good he looks in a hockey jersey, which leads to her thinking it'd be cheesy if they both wore hockey jersey's and dated so they'd have to divi up the days so they'd never match to closely.

  like today is to close, both have hockey jerseys with red on it. colors at this point don't matter, it's the fact that they are both wearing hockey jerseys.

  the two sit in comfortable silence, listening to the radio as they drive to the bueller's, neither of them ready for what the day is about to bring.

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