chapter 11

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"you're psychotic." cameron says as the four wait at the parking garage, spirits high. "you are! you're out of your goddamn mind. i can't believe you went on a parade float!" cameron yells, margot looks at him like he's lost his mind a bit but smiles along with the other three just happy that's he's there and that they're going home. "ok ok wait. ok wait. ok." cameron says revving up to do an impression, "yeah, this tune is one of my personal favorites." he says in a voice reminiscent to ferris's. margot giggles as he shakes his head, "you're out of your goddamn mind." he says with a smile. "do you realize how many people saw you? you're nailed."

"nah i'm not." ferris says with a shake of his head. "you serious about telling mom though?" ferris asks margot.

"i won't tell if you get me home on time and in one piece. i'll let her figure it out on her own." she says with a chuckle, ferris smiling.

"anyway anyone who would nail me would no go to a parade." ferris says with a smile as the car rounds the corner.

"my mother would." cameron says, ferris furrows his brows.

"i'm not worried about your mother." ferris says as the car pulls up.

"that was so fast." sloane says as the guy parks it, margot happy that the car's at least in good shape. she knows the chances of it getting messed up in a garage are low but cameron totally got in her head.

"hey, this looks ok to me cameron." ferris says as he pulls money out of his wallet, when is he gonna learn that his crumpled 5 dollar bill means nothing to a shit ton of people. it's embarrassing and makes him seem even more pretentious than he looks.

"it's great!" cameron says before climbing in the back and holding a hand out for margot, she takes it and steps in the back, sitting down as ferris talks with the valet guy. margot is pretty stunned that everything in ferris's plan is working. they get going, driving through the streets of chicago.

"i feel pretty good." cameron says as he sits with margot, she smiles at him, "i feel real good. those guys, those guys were nice at the garage. i was a little worried about them." cameron says before outstretching his arms and wrapping one around margot. "thanks for helping me loosen up a bit mar. i really needed it." he says with a smile, their faces close together.

"hey it's better to have fun before getting caught." she says with a smile, he chuckles at her sentence before margot's knee is tapped by ferris.

"marge." he says, ushering her down. "marge come here." he whispers again, cameron let's go of her and she hunkers down to be level with ferris.

"what?" she asks, cameron hollering from behind her.

"that doesn't look right does it?" he says before pointing at the miles on the car. margot looks and her face falls, she feels like she's gonna pass out. ferris looks at her face and knows that they're screwed. "shit." he whispers as margot continues to stare at the miles, "just make sure he doesn't pass out and fall out of the car and die. grand theft auto is one thing, a manslaughter." he whispers to margot with a pained chuckle. she sits back looking to cameron, a big smile on his face.

"hey, cameron?"


"how many miles did this thing have on it?" ferris asks, attempting to sound at least a little bit sure of himself.

"a hundered and twenty six and half way between 3 and 4 tenths." cameron says before looking over to margot whose turned away from him. "why?" he asks before getting up a bit to see margot as they sit in silence, "margot." he says, trying to see her face.

"don't look at my face, just talk to ferris." she says keeping turned away from him, her face's totally give it away and he'll just loose his shit even more. if ferris can gaslight him into thinking it's fine than everything will be alright.

"how many miles are on it now?" he asks before leaning over, a beat goes by, the air tense in the car. and then cameron screams, so loud that the entirety of chicago could probably hear it.

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