chapter 5

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  ferris and cameron open the garage doors as margot stands behind the two of them, she would rather not have her fingerprints anywhere in the house. if they get arrested for grand theft auto she doesn't need breaking and entering to her name as well. morris frye is the last person she wants to get yelled at by, he already doesn't like ferris and margot. ferris being to loud and chaotic and margot being not loud enough.

  "the 1961 ferrari 250 gt california." cameron says as the three of you look at the red convertible. "less than 100 were made. my father spent 3 years restoring this car, it is his love, it is his passion-" as cameron describes the importance of this car ferris interrupts him.

  "it's his fault he didn't lock the garage." ferris says as he steps further in. ferris is definetily stupid, like he's had bad ideas before but this is easily the worst idea he has ever had. it's asking for the 4 of you to get murdered by morris.

  "ferris." cameron warns as ferris gets closer to the car, margot glances to cameron, he looks like he could explode. "ferris what're your talking about?" cameron asks, it finally is making sense to cameron. from the moment ferris asked to see the car you just knew that he wanted to drive the thing.
  "oooo." ferris says as he touches the car, margot  can barley believe how stupid he is. not only is he touching the damn thing he also wants to drive it.
  "ferris my father loves this car more than life itself." cameron says as you watch ferris with your arms crossed.

  "a man with priorities so far out of wack doesn't deserve such a fine automobile." ferris says as he leans on the car before he looks to the seat, you and cameron shaking your heads.

  "no, no." cameron says as he walks in, margot staying outside of the garage. "please. you don't understand,"

  "wow." ferris says as he looks at the car from behind, he is literally half laying on the car.

  "ferris! he never drives it. he just rubs it with a diaper." cameron says as ferris drags his finger along the side. "hey, remember how insane he went when i broke my retainer? huh?" he asks the two of you, you do remember. it was like world war 3, frye v. frye. "come on that was a little piece of plastic. this is a ferrari." cameron says.

  "que bella." ferris says with a kiss before walking around the car again, he's taunting you two, playing with both your nerves. he's an asshole, a grade a asshole. cameron looks to you, his eyes telling you that ferris is actually crazy and you believe it.

"cameron i'm sorry but we can't pick up sloane in your car. mr. rooney would never believe mr. peterson drives that piece of shit." ferris says to cameron, cameron looking a little offended even if it's true.

  "it's not a piece of shit." cameron says.

  "it is a piece of shit, don't worry about it. i don't even have a piece of shit, i have to envy yours." ferris says, he has such a way with words. margot's yet to say anything, still floored by how stupid her brother is.

  "oh thanks."

  "look i'm sorry, there's nothing else we can do." ferris says as he gets in the car, margot's jaw drops before she walks into the garage. as she walks in she realizes that they are all in deep shit, so all she can do is fight with ferris and try to fix things as much as possible. as she stands by cameron's side ferris looks at the two obviously stressed teens.

  "he knows the mileage ferris." cameron says.

  "he doesn't trust you?" ferris asks, we've been over this ferris. morris is a piece of shit who doesn't like or trust cameron and loves the stupid car, old news.

  "never has, never will." cameron says, pretty much summarizing margot's thoughts.

  "look this is real simple, whatever miles we put on we'll take off." ferris says, margot arch's as brow at him as cameron smiles a bit, probably at the absurdity of his best friends antics.

  "how?" he asks.

  "we'll drive home backwards." ferris says, cameron laughing.

  "how are you graduating in a month?" margot asks, finally able to speak. ferris smiles at her and cameron before starting the car, a chorus of no's coming from the two of them as he starts the car with a smile.

  "ferris forget it you're just gonna have to think of something else. i'm putting my foot down." cameron says as ferris looks at the two of you before driving a bit. "how about we rent a nice limo or a cadillac? my treat." cameron yells as ferris drives the car out of the garage, margot resting his head in her hands as he does so. "i'll call a limo!" he yells before pausing; ferris not stopping or even acknowledging cameron. "a nice stretch job with a tv and a bar!" he yells again, no response or acknowledgement, "how about that?"

  "ferris get your ass back in here, i swear to god." margot yells as he rolls further away from the garage, he backs up and for a seconds she thinks "hey maybe he came to his senses." but no. he would never.

  "come on you two, live a little." ferris says as he waves the two in. margot sharing a look with cameron before he crosses his heart like he's going into mass. he takes her hand and pulls her to the car.

  "if your dad finds out i'm totally blaming you." margot says as he threads his fingers through hers, he chuckles nervously before letting go of her a hand and stepping into the "backseat" which is pretty much a glorified trunk without a top. "you're both absolutely awful." she says as cameron outstretches a hand to her before he pulls her into the back with him.

  "margot you willingly got in the car, how is that our fault?" ferris asks as he looks back to you.

  "you're totally manipulating me ferris." he smiles a bit at her words. margot chooses not to continue on before he drives off, she pulls her sunglasses on and attempts to focus on anything but the fact that the car she's sitting in probably costs more than everything in her bedroom.

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