chapter 6

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  "oh sloane dear, hurry along now." ferris says as you and cameron sit under the cover in the back of the car. this is probably the worst idea he's ever had, like he's just upping the ante constantly.

  "hi," you hear sloane say happily.

  "do you have a kiss for daddy?" ferris asks cameron and margot nearly gagging at his words. she lays her face in her hands as cameron grumbles next to her.

  "are you kidding?" sloane asks, there's a short pause before the door to the car is opened, you and cameron sharing a look of utter disgust. like them kissing normally is fine, you've both grown to not care but in this situation it's weird because ferris made it super weird. the door to the car shuts before sloane says, "hi you two, you comfortable?" she asks.

  "hi, sloane. no." cameron says, sloane chuckling at his words.

  "you two are lucky that we do this shit for you." margot says, not actually mad, sloane giggles before taking her hand for a moment and squeezing it. in the months that sloane and ferris have been together margot and sloane have become best friends.

  "what are we gonna do?" sloane asks as ferris gets in the car.

  "the question isn't "what are we gonna do?" it's "what aren't we going to do?"

  "don't say we're not gonna take the car home, please don't say we're not gonna take the car home," cameron says, repeating the last section of his sentence like a prayer before ferris speeds off. as they get past the school and to the fields margot and cameron come out from under the cover, cameron complaining about how fast ferris is going.

  margot is genuinely annoyed, she'll skip school and jack around but this is a whole other ballpark. it's one thing to steal like your parents sedan or whatever but a ferrari, cameron's dad's ferrari? no one in their right mind would do that. but as annoyed as she is she can't help but be excited for what the day is going to bring.

  the four of them drive into the city, margot and ferris arguing as siblings do (mostly about the fact that he is always over the center line when he drives), ferris and cameron fighting about the speed and ferris egging cameron on by taking his hands off the wheel, margot acting like she's not laughing as they fight, and sloane laughing at the two.

  "wrong." cameron says as margot, ferris, and sloane move to get out of the car. margot just wants to not be touching something that is worth more than everything she owns anymore, there's to much pressure.

  "what?" ferris asks as they step out, he knows what.

  "not here." cameron says with a shake of his head, "we're not leaving the car here."

  "why not?" ferris asks as he gets his wallet out.

  "cause we're not, i want the car back home where it belongs, right now. come on let's go." cameron says firmly, margot and ferris sharing a look. he wants her to convince cameron to get his ass out of the car and to let loose for a bit. normally ferris would do all the manipulating and convincing but ferris has already pushed cameron past his limit, ferris hopes that margot can push him just a little bit more. honestly he's a terrible friend to cameron half the time.

  "cameron what's gonna happen to it? it's in a garage." sloane says, margot nods for emphasis, hoping that sloane can do all the convincing. but it obviously does not work because before she knows it cameron launches into listing our every single bad things that could happen to the car,

  "it could get wrecked, stolen, scratched, breathed on wrong, a pigeon could shit on it, who knows."

  "we already got it out here, if we just go home now ferris's stupid efforts will be completely worthless and you'll get your ass beat for nothing. if we're gonna get in trouble we should at least get something out of it." margot says, after she says it she immediately begins to feel awful because she knows that just definitely just manipulated him, it is the bueller way. cameron looks to her, his face asking her if she's serious.

  "i'm gonna give the guy a fiver to watch it." ferris says, margot chuckles, finding it hilarious that he thinks that all it's gonna take is a fiver for a guy to watch this car when there's a billion other cars in the city to park. she knows ferris is out of touch but sometimes she's floored by how painfully clueless he can be.

  "what guy?" cameron asks as he still sits in the back. ferris looks around for a worker before spotting a man near the drop box, he wears a white work shirt. he looks at the four before looking specifically at cameron, he audibly sighs before he begins to walk towards the group.

  "hi, how you doing?" ferris asks the man as he approaches the car with a smile, "you speak english?" ferris asks almost as if he was trying to make fun, margot rolls her eyes as she stands behind her brother. all she wants him to do is to shut up and hand the guy the money.

  as she looks around in embarassment she catches cameron's eyes, they hold eye contact for a seconds, cameron looking unimpressed. all margot can do is mouth, "i'm sorry." as the man and ferris talk. cameron grumbles and she rolls her eyes again, at this point it's her only way to convey annoyance or anger.

  she trains her attention back on ferris and the man, the smile now gone from the man's face, "ok, i want you to take extra special care of this vehicle." ferris says as he points to the car, "ok?" he asks the man before patting him on the arm.

  "no problem."

  "great." ferris responds as cameron looks skeptically at the car, the man, and the garage.

  "trust me." the man says, trying to convince cameron to get out of the car so that he can get his check. "sir?" the man asks, trying to lure cameron out of the car.

  "come on." ferris says, waving cameron out of the car as if he was a dog, cameron looking at ferris, his face utterly unamused. "come." ferris says again, in the same town that a dog owner would use with their puppy. cameron looks at the worker one last time before getting out of the car, ferris holding out a hand and cameron slapping it away. the girls are fighting again. margot and sloane look to each other and roll their eyes, the two of them have become used to the two of them fighting all day everyday. the first time sloane was a little worried but now it's just routine.

  "relax." the worker says to cameron, he makes almost a whimpering sound as the worker gets in the car.

  "come on." ferris says again, cameron's eyes still trained on the worker.

  "you fellas have nothing to worry about." the worker says, a sorry attempt at settling cameron's nerves. "i'm a professional." margot furrows her brow at that.

  "professional what?" cameron asks her before the man drives away, the guy taking the corner fast as cameron watches the car go out of sight. that's reassuring.

  "see what a finski can do to a guys attitude?" ferris asks, the bill did absolutely nothing ferris, "cameron, come on." ferris says as he begins to walk away, sloane in his arms. sloane takes margot's hand, pulling her along as cameron stands, looking to the ramp. he's torn between staying with the car and having a fun day out. "come on. come on." ferris says as margot and sloane laugh as they walk out with ferris. finally cameron begins to walk, following the three out of the garage.

  margot lets go of sloane's hand, jerking her head back to cameron as sloane looks up. sloane smiles and nods before margot joins cameron behind the happy couple.

  "it's gonna be ok cameron, ferris has already dug himself in such a deep hole that parking it in a sketchy garage isn't gonna do much more damage." margot says, attempting to soothe his nerves as the tow of them walk together.

  "he knows that but he doesn't care what happens to me. my dad wouldn't give a shit that it was ferris who stole the car, it'll still be my fault." cameron says as they look at the buildings, listening to ferris's wonderful tour.

  margot knows that that's true but she's gonna try to convince cameron for as long as possible that everything is going to be ok.

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