chapter 4

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  margot's been friends with ferris and cameron for a long while, well she's ferris's younger sister so of course she knows the guy pretty well but she's actually kinda his friend. like not every brother invites their little sister to hang out with his best friend and girlfriend. this friendship lead to her hanging out with ferris which lead to her being with cameron, a lot, her brother and cameron being inseparable meant that margot third wheeled with the two boys until sloane rolled around. in her words sloane becoming a part of the group was a "gift from god,".

but back to tweedledee and tweedledumb, cameron and ferris are totally a package deal. margot's honestly surprised they don't apply for jobs together. they've spent nearly every waking minute together, ferris dragging cameron into something that cameron doesn't wanna do but in the end enjoys. due to this sort of relationship they fight like a married couple, and they will fight about quite literally anything.

margot walks downstairs as she hears the two boys arguing, nothing new. ferris probably made cameron do something, cameron messed up, ferris got a little mad and retaliated, cameron looses his mind, ferris apologizes but his apology is obviously not genuine, cameron gets even more upset, threatens to leave and tells ferris that they'll "never hang out again", and then ferris consoles him. it's a weekly occurrence at this point.

"cameron come back." ferris says as margot enters the kitchen, ferris running after cameron, thankfully the two are at the end of their fight. the part where ferris consoles cameron and they all get on with their lives, "i didn't mean to loose my temper. i'm sorry, it was uncalled for." ferris says to cameron in the connecting room, margot listening in on as the two of them make up.

  "you serious?" cameron asks.

  "yeah," ferris says softly, ok now it's over and done with, the two walk back into the kitchen, ferris's arm wrapped around a sad looking cameron. why do they both have to be so dramatic? "you want some coffee?" ferris asks cameron, hoping that it'll help cameron forget the fight so that ferris can make him do yet another stupid thing.

  "yeah." cameron says softly as he moves to stand next to margot at the island.

  "ok." ferris says before turning away to the coffee machine.

  "miss me in art today?" cameron asks margot quietly as he looks down at her essay, you'd think in art you'd be making art but somehow they still manage to weasel an essay on art periods into the curriculum.

  "oh totally." she says as if she was joking, a small smile in her face as she nods, he smiles a bit, "i had like a whole table to myself, i took a little nap. it was absolute hell." she jokes, well the nap part  isn't a joke. he smiles down at her, his smile now a bit bigger.

  ferris turns his head to see the two talking and he nearly gags, he's all for cameron finding a girl and he knows that their into each other, everyone knows, but the idea is still off putting. his little sister and his best friend together? awful, absolutely awful.

  he'll use them both as bribes for each other as much as he wants but the second that he remembers that they could actually get together he dies just a bit inside. the idea is absolutely and utterly disgusting.

  he breaks the two of them up by turning around to hand cameron his coffee, the two of them quickly breaking eye contact and looking to ferris. "here you go." ferris says cautiously, knowing that cameron could break at any second. the 5 minutes after their fights are crucial, any other issues will most definitely cause another even bigger fight.

  "thank you." cameron says, his lips tight as the two boys look at each other, margot standing beside cameron awkwardly. all she hopes is that this fight is really done and over with cause she is most definitely not waiting around the house or going back to school, not after she's made it this far.

  "you did screw up though, right?" ferris says, a small smile on his face. margot scoffs and chuckles, already tired of the boys fighting. she turns away to hide her rolling her eyes, that'll only fuel the flames.

  cameron chuckles along with margot for relatively the same reason, he's tired of ferris and his bullshit, "i mean not that it was completely your fault." ferris says, trying to recover from his mistake.

  "why?" cameron asks, cameron is gonna make ferris own up to his mistakes. owning up to his mistakes is one of the areas in which ferris sorely fails.

ferris opens his mouth in surprise for only a second before jumping back in, ready to recover, "well," he pauses, "to fix the situation i gonna have to ask you for a small favor." surprise surprise ferris did not own up to his mistake at all.

  margot raises a brow at ferris, his gaze shifting from cameron to to margot.

  "margot, go get your phone and record a message. act like you're mom's office, rooney'll call there first. i already gave him your number rather than mom's." he says, not mentioning what the favor is. she decides not to argue, turning around and heading for the stairs, footsteps following behind her. she looks behind her to see cameron, stressed as ever and trodding behind her.

  "rooney probably doesn't have a single thought in his head if he trusts ferris." margot says as she walks up the stairs, cameron chuckling as he follows, preferring to be with margot rather than ferris right now. "if i were him i wouldn't trust a single thing ferris says." margot says with a small smile as she opens her bedroom door.

  one difference between margot and cameron is that while cameron's room could be considered lifeless and spotless, margot's room is anything but lifeless. posters, pictures, and mementos pasted on the walls give the place a homey and bright feeling, a room that truly shows who margot bueller is.

  she sits down on her bed, picking up her phone and placing it on her lap. she presses down on the top, the cassette lid coming off to reveal her voicemail message, it's something along the lines of, "this is margot bueller, i can't come to the phone right now. please leave a message at the tone." basic and boring. she takes the tape out, setting it on her nightstand before retrieving an empty cassette from her drawer as cameron fiddles around with records behind her.

  that's another thing about margot, she has an extensive record collection, she's still stuck on records but she has started to buy cassette. cassettes just way cheaper and more accessible, especially among the bands she likes.

  she places the cassette into the recorder before shutting the lid, she turns to cameron, his focus now on a stack of vhs tapes.

  "what should i say?" she asks cameron, pulling him out of his daze as he looks at the cover of a movie, the evil dead, one of margot's personal favorites.

  "just say like, "this is bla bla bla, thank you for your business we'll make sure to get back to you soon." something like that." he says as he sits down of the other side of her bed, the evil dead still in his hand.

  "k," she says before pressing record, "this is the winnetka branch of koenig and strey, we cannot come to the phone right now but we will be sure to get back to you shortly. thank you." she says in a thick minnesotan accent before pressing the stop button.

  just as she does cameron quietly chuckles, she turns to see him smiling as he reads the back of the box, "what?" she asks a small smile on her face. he looks up at her, his smile reflecting hers.

  "why minnesotan?" he asks, she makes a noise of questioning.

  "why did mr. peterson sound like a congested australian?" she asks, referring to his fake mr. peterson voice. he makes the same offended and questioning noise as margot did seconds before.

  "ok, well why do you have this movie in here?" he waves the case at her, "witchcraft? posession? evil?" she rolls her eyes as she try's to take the movie from him, "ashley "ash" williams, his girlfriend and three pals hike into the woods to a cabin for a fun night away." he reads off the case, "and lemme guess they all die in the end? sounds like a piece of shit." cameron says, margot rolling her eyes yet again as he tosses her the vhs.

  "ok, i'll admit it's a little campy but it's so good. you should totally give it a watch." she says as she gets up, setting the vhs on her night stand.

  as cameron looks at her he contemplates saying what he's been wanting to say for nearly a year and a half, it's the perfect moment. all he needs to ask is, "wanna watch it together? this friday, you and me?" but no he can't do that. what if she says no and he ruins her favorite movie for her?

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