Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Should we tell her?" Luna asked Peter

"She's just a child love we can't trust her with a secret this big"

"I suppose your right I just dislike keeping things from her" Luna said quietly.

Peter paused and grabbed her wrist "You're not him. You know that right?". 

"What are you talking about?"

"I see it when you look at her. You worry that were going to make the same mistakes Papa did" Peter said bluntly.

"No I'm not" she scoffed refusing look at him. He waited eyebrow raised in his typical 'don't bother lying to me of all people' expression.

"Ok fine" she conceded "I just don't want to fuck this up I mean we're not exactly going to be up for parents of the year".

"We don't have to be all we have to do is our best. We protect her, teach her and most importantly we give her a chance of a life outside these walls. Think how different things would be if someone had done that for us" he reasoned.

Luna sighed she knew he had a point. "Why are you always right?" she asked rolling her eyes.

"Because I'm the best" he smiled.

"Modest too" she teased.

"Everything's going to be ok."

"And how do you know that?"

"Because I'm always right you said so yourself" he said with a smirk. She laughed and shoved him playfully. "Hey!" he said grabbing her waist pulling her flush against his chest "that was mean" he breathed. "I guess I'll have to make it up to you then" she said tilting her face towards his. He leaned down and captured her lips in a soft but passionate kiss which she eagerly retuned wrapping her arms around his neck bringing him closer.

"What are you doing?" a small voice asked.

The couple jumped away from each other quickly. "Nothing" Luna said straightening her clothes. 

"The question is what are you doing? You're supposed to be in bed" Peter asked.

"I woke up and I couldn't go back to sleep so I waited but you didn't come back" 018 said her stuffed elephant in the crook of her arm.

Luna approached the girl kneeling down in front of her placing her palm on her forehead while looking over her body. "How do you feel? You gave us quite a fright earlier." She asked concerned.

"I'm fine. I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you" the child said worried she'd upset the older girl.

"It's not your fault sweetheart. Are you sure you're ok? No headache? You feel a bit warm. Peter come here. Does she feel a bit warm to you" Luna rambled cupping the girls cheeks.

Peter smiled fondly walking over to the pair placing a hand on Luna shoulder in an attempt to reassure her and stop her fussing "she's fine darling I checked while you were with papa she was all bundled up in our blankets that's why she's still warm" he said but Luna looked up at him unconvinced.

"018 go back into our room we will be there in just a minute" he told her. He waited for the door to close then held his hand out to Luna helping her up. 

"I know what happened to me scared you but I promise you she's fine. We've been through this before with you when you overexert yourself and your always ok are you not?" Peter reasoned.

"Well yes..."

"It's the same thing. She's ok we just need to find a safe way for her to practice her ability if she wants too"

"I can't go through it again. You were so ill Peter and I was so scared. I can't watch that happen to her too" Luna said her voice cracking.

"It won't she hasn't got a dampener. There is no reason for it to happen to her" he said pulling her in for a hug. She nodded leaning her head against his chest relaxing into his arms. The two stayed like that for a moment before the door was flung open again. "I'm bored. I thought you were coming in" 018 said impatiently. The older pair chuckled and Peter kissed the top of Luna's head before releasing her from his grip.

"We're coming now" Luna said.

"Yes and we should probably teach you something called patience" Peter muttered under his breath making Luna laugh and shake her head. 

A/N: I'm sorry it's been like 9 days since I updated I think I'm finally over covid though. Also sorry if there's any mistakes again it's another 3am update. I'm loving the comments you're all hilarious. 

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