Chapter Eleven

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Luna was really uncomfortable 002 and 003 were glaring at her sitting in front of the chess board they weren't even playing just moving the pieces around randomly. She tried to distract herself by sketching Peter he was standing by the door as usual and from this angle with the light behind him he reminded her of an angel.

As she began to fill in his hair the door opened and Peter was called outside, she turned her focus back to her drawing. In the corner of her eye, she saw 002 and 003 stand up and start to approach her. They snatched her sketch and 002 started to laugh.

"Aww do you love him? You must do you made him look much better on paper than in person" he said mocking her. She stood up and tried to take her drawing back but he held it up above his head.

"Please give it back 002"

"No why should I? You're pathetic you're everyone's favorite. I have no idea why. You're not special."

He tore up the drawing scrunching the pieces up and throwing it on the floor. She backed up trying to avoid a fight hoping Peter would come back in a put a stop to this.

"You're a bully 002" she said eyes glancing towards the camera. The light wasn't on. She didn't think her day could get any worse.

"How about we just leave each other alone? I don't want to fight you we both know I'd win. I'm stronger than you" she said. This seemed to infuriate 002.

"Sure, you are" he spat jaw clenched "if your so brilliant stop this" he made the chess board float all the pieces dropping to the floor. At this moment Peter opened the door stepping back into the room but by the time he'd noticed the chess board it was too late it was already flying towards Luna. On instinct he stepped forward pushing her to the side. He felt the impact as it connected with his face. He stumbled back and grabbed his eye.

Luna was shocked. She ran to him removing his hand from his face there was a deep cut from the edge of the board just above his eyebrow and at the sight of his blood she lost it. She felt her rage make its way to the surface. She slowly turned toward the boys a deadly look in her eyes. Now they looked scared. Good she thought. They should be. They needed to learn a lesson so she put both hands up and clenched her fists. The boys fell to their knees hands flying to grip their temples as they could feel immense pressure building in their heads it was agonizing.

Peter knew he should stop her. It was his job after all but he was enjoying this. He let it go on for a minute more until he could see their noses and ears begin to bleed.

"Luna stop now" he said but she didn't respond.

"Luna you'll kill them" he stepped in front of her and he could see an glint in her eyes, she was smirking. "Enough Luna I'm ok" she let them go before looking down at her hands as if she was surprised by her actions. What am I turning into she thought? Peter pressed the call button and soon orderlies poured into the room Papa following behind him.

"What on earth is going on here?" he questioned seeing the blood on both Peter and the boys.

"Luna was defending both herself and me" Peter said before anyone else could speak.

"Go back to your room Zero you too Peter go and get yourself cleaned up, while I take the boys to medical and take their accounts" Papa said sternly.

Peter and Luna walked back to their room in silence. He went to the sink and grabbed a cloth which she took from him.

"Sit down on the bed and take your shirt off there is blood all over the collar" she said. He nodded proceeding to unbutton his shirt. He sat and she began to wipe the blood from his neck and face she switched out the cloths and began to dab at his wound his eye was swelling now.

"You should have let it hit me" she said pressing down hard. He hissed and winced. "They wanted to hurt me not you" she continued.

"Are you seriously angry at me" he questioned confused.

"Of course, I am look at you Peter"

"It was worth it anyway you made them pay. I would take a million chess boards to the face for you."

"Why Peter?" she asked getting angry

"You're oblivious sometimes Luna"

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, for goodness sake haven't you worked it out yet? I love you!" he shouted standing up.

"I know that Peter, I love you too" she replied as if it was obvious.

"You're not hearing me, Luna! I don't just love you I'm in love with you. I have been for years!" the moment the words left his mouth he wanted to kick himself. He looked at her trying to gauge her reaction. To his surprise she let out a laugh. He'd just confessed his feeling and she laughed at him, he expected surprise perhaps but not this he scoffed offended.

She felt his anger rolling off him realizing her mistake, she grabbed his wrist before he could turn away.

"I love you too Peter"

"You do?"

"Yes of course I do. I thought you would have noticed by now you were always the observant one"

She gazed up at him and cupping his cheek running her thumb gently over the wound. It still looked nasty but it had stopped bleeding. He leaned in to her touch gently taking her face between his hands tilting her head up as he leaned down pressing his lips to hers. She broke away first before turning towards the door locking it from the inside. She looked back at him and pulled him down to her. As they kissed, she felt the connection between them flare open.

She pushed him back onto her bed straddling him. She pulled her shirt off and he reached up tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear taking every detail of her. "You're beautiful Luna".

A/N: There may be smut in the future I'm not sure but I'm not comfortable writing it just yet. If your still here thank you for reading I hope you're enjoying this story I haven't written for ages so I apologize if its a bit rough I'm rusty.

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